Source code for eth_defi.aave_v3.balances

Functions for reading Aave v3 account status.
import logging
from decimal import Decimal

from web3 import Web3

from eth_defi.abi import get_deployed_contract

from .rates import WAD

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def aave_v3_get_deposit_balance(web3: Web3, deposit_address: str, account_address: str) -> Decimal: # Use the AToken contract to read the account's current deposit balance in the specified currency reserve AToken = get_deployed_contract(web3, "aave_v3/AToken.json", deposit_address) result = AToken.functions.balanceOf(account_address).call() return Decimal(result) / Decimal(WAD)
[docs]def aave_v3_get_variable_borrow_balance(web3: Web3, variable_borrow_address: str, account_address: str) -> Decimal: # Use the VariableDebtToken contract to read the account's current deposit balance in the specified currency reserve VariableDebtToken = get_deployed_contract(web3, "aave_v3/VariableDebtToken.json", variable_borrow_address) result = VariableDebtToken.functions.balanceOf(account_address).call() return Decimal(result) / Decimal(WAD)
[docs]def aave_v3_get_stable_borrow_balance(web3: Web3, stable_borrow_address: str, account_address: str) -> Decimal: # Use the StableDebtToken contract to read the account's current deposit balance in the specified currency reserve StableDebtToken = get_deployed_contract(web3, "aave_v3/StableDebtToken.json", stable_borrow_address) result = StableDebtToken.functions.balanceOf(account_address).call() return Decimal(result) / Decimal(WAD)