"""Web3 middleware.
Most are for dealing with JSON-RPC unreliability issues with retries.
- Taken from exception_retry_request.py from Web3.py
- Modified to support sleep and throttling
- Logs warnings to Python logging subsystem in the case there is need to retry
- See also :py:mod:`eth_defi.provider.broken_provider`.
import logging
import time
from typing import (
from eth_utils.toolz import assoc
from requests.exceptions import (
from web3 import Web3
from web3._utils.transactions import get_buffered_gas_estimate
from web3.exceptions import BlockNotFound, ContractLogicError
from web3.middleware.exception_retry_request import check_if_retry_on_failure
from web3.types import Middleware, RPCEndpoint, RPCResponse
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#: List of Web3 exceptions we know we should retry after some timeout
#: For ``BlockNotFound`` see also :py:mod:`eth_defi.rpc.broken_provider`.
# This happens when you ask web3.eth.block_number from Ankr,
# but if you use it as `block_identifier` in the following call
# it gives BlockNotFound. This is a problem with Ankr itself,
# but we'll add it here just to work around this crappy provider
# by default.
# Spit out by LlamaNodes.
# Their server give invalid HTTP reply.
# requests.exceptions.ChunkedEncodingError: ("Connection broken: InvalidChunkLength(got length b'', 0 bytes read)", InvalidChunkLength(got length b'', 0 bytes read))
#: List of HTTP status codes we know we might want to retry after a timeout
#: Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/a/72302017/315168
525, # Returned by Alchemy - SSL handshake failed - cause unknown, internal Alchemy failure suspected https://http.dev/525
520, # Returned by Alchemy - CloudFlare: Unknown error
410, # happens on dRPC: requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 410 Client Error: Gone for url: https://lb.drpc.org/ogrpc?network=avalanche&dkey=xxx
# dRPC error
# requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 403 Client Error: Forbidden for url: https://lb.drpc.org/ogrpc?network=polygon&dkey=x/
#: List of ValueError status codes we know we might want to retry after a timeout
#: This is a self-managed list curated by pain.
#: JSON-RPC error might be mapped to :py:class:`ValueError`
#: if nothing else is available.
#: Example from Pokt Network:
#: `ValueError: {'message': 'Internal JSON-RPC error.', 'code': -32603}`
#: We assume this is a broken RPC node and Pokt will reroute the
#: the next retried request to some other node.
#: See GoEthereum error codes https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blob/master/rpc/errors.go
# The node provider has corrupted database or something, GoEthereum
# cannot handle gracefully.
# ValueError: {'message': 'Internal JSON-RPC error.', 'code': -32603}
# ValueError: {'code': -32000, 'message': 'nonce too low'}.
# Might happen when we are broadcasting multiple transactions through multiple RPC providers
# using eth_sendRawTransaction
# One provider has not yet seen a transaction broadcast through the other provider.
# CRAP! -32000 is also Execution reverted on Alchemy.
# -32000,
# ValueError: {'code': -32003, 'message': 'nonce too low'}.
# Anvil variant for nonce too low, same as above
# Some error we are getting from LlamaNodes eth_getLogs RPC that we do not know what it is all about
# {'code': -32043, 'message': 'Requested data is not available'}
# eth_getLogs size limit exceeded for a provider
# eth_getLogs disabled on some providers
# https://github.com/bnb-chain/bsc/issues/1215
# {'code': -32005, 'message': 'limit exceeded'}
# Some JSON-RPC provider is buying nodes from allondes.com have have screwed it up
# ValueError: {'code': -32701, 'message': 'Please specify address in your request or, to remove restrictions, order a dedicated full node here: https://www.allnodes.com/bnb/host'}
# dRPC failure
# ValueError: {'message': 'There are not enough CUPs left to cover the CU required for current request.', 'code': 42903}g
#: Because Ethreum JSON-RPC API is horribly broken,
#: we also need to check for error messages besides error codes.
# When broadcasting batch transactions, the RPC provider
# has a load balancer that is not internally coherent
"nonce too low",
# Some random load balancer error?
# https://github.com/MetaMask/metamask-extension/issues/7234
"header not found",
# Error from Alchemy
# ValueError: {'code': -32000, 'message': 'execution aborted (timeout = 5s)'}
"execution aborted (timeout = 5s)",
#: Ethereum JSON-RPC calls where the value never changes
STATIC_CALL_LIST = ("eth_chainId",)
[docs]class ProbablyNodeHasNoBlock(Exception):
"""A special exception raised when we suspect JSON-RPC node does not yet have data for a block we asked.
- Calling a contract on a block before contract was deployed
- Calling a contract on a block where the node does not have the block data yet
See :py:mod:`eth_defi.provider.fallback` for details.
[docs]def is_retryable_http_exception(
exc: Exception,
retryable_exceptions: Tuple[BaseException] = DEFAULT_RETRYABLE_EXCEPTIONS,
retryable_status_codes: Collection[int] = DEFAULT_RETRYABLE_HTTP_STATUS_CODES,
retryable_rpc_error_codes: Collection[int] = DEFAULT_RETRYABLE_RPC_ERROR_CODES,
retryable_rpc_error_messages: Collection[str] = DEFAULT_RETRYABLE_RPC_ERROR_MESSAGES,
method: str | None = None,
params: list | None = None,
"""Helper to check retryable errors from JSON-RPC calls.
Retryable reasons are connection timeouts, API throttling and such.
We support various kind of exceptions and HTTP status codes
we know we can try.
:param exc:
Exception raised by :py:mod:`requests`
or Web3 machinery.
:param retryable_exceptions:
Exception raised by :py:mod:`requests`
or Web3 machinery.
:param retryable_status_codes:
HTTP status codes we can retry. E.g. 429 Too Many requests.
:param retryable_rpc_error_messages:
:param method:
JSON-RPC method name we called.
:param params:
Method args.
# Cannot retry mining the block with the same timestamp
if method == "evm_mine":
if len(params) >= 1:
return False
if isinstance(exc, ValueError):
# raise ValueError(response["error"])
# ValueError: {'message': 'Internal JSON-RPC error.', 'code': -32603}
if len(exc.args) > 0:
arg = exc.args[0]
if type(arg) == dict:
code = arg.get("code")
message = arg.get("message", "")
if code is None or type(code) != int:
raise RuntimeError(f"Bad ValueError: {arg} - {exc}")
if code in retryable_rpc_error_codes:
return True
if message in retryable_rpc_error_messages:
return True
return False
if isinstance(exc, ProbablyNodeHasNoBlock):
return True
if isinstance(exc, HTTPError):
return exc.response.status_code in retryable_status_codes
if isinstance(exc, retryable_exceptions):
return True
return False
[docs]def exception_retry_middleware(
make_request: Callable[[RPCEndpoint, Any], RPCResponse],
web3: "Web3",
retryable_exceptions: Tuple[BaseException],
retryable_status_codes: Collection[int],
retryable_rpc_error_codes: Collection[int],
retries: int = 10,
sleep: float = 5.0,
backoff: float = 1.6,
) -> Callable[[RPCEndpoint, Any], RPCResponse]:
Creates middleware that retries failed HTTP requests. Is a default
middleware for HTTPProvider.
See :py:func:`http_retry_request_with_sleep_middleware` for usage.
def middleware(method: RPCEndpoint, params: Any) -> Optional[RPCResponse]:
nonlocal sleep
current_sleep = sleep
# Check if the RPC method is whitelisted for multiple retries
if check_if_retry_on_failure(method):
# Try to recover from any JSON-RPC node error, sleep and try again
for i in range(retries):
return make_request(method, params)
# https://github.com/python/mypy/issues/5349
except Exception as e: # type: ignore
if is_retryable_http_exception(
if i < retries - 1:
logger.warning("Encountered JSON-RPC retryable error %s when calling method %s, retrying in %f seconds, retry #%d", e, method, current_sleep, i)
current_sleep *= backoff
raise # Out of retries
raise # Not retryable exception
return None
return make_request(method, params)
except Exception as e:
# Be verbose so that we know our whitelist is missing methods
raise RuntimeError(f"JSON-RPC failed for non-whitelisted method {method}: {e}") from e
return middleware
[docs]def http_retry_request_with_sleep_middleware(
make_request: Callable[[RPCEndpoint, Any], Any],
web3: "Web3",
) -> Callable[[RPCEndpoint, Any], Any]:
"""A HTTP retry middleware with sleep and backoff.
If you want to customise timeouts, supported exceptions and such
you can directly create your own middleware
using :py:func:`exception_retry_middleware`.
.. code-block::
web3.middleware_onion.inject(http_retry_request_with_sleep_middleware, layer=0)
:param make_request:
Part of middleware call signature
:param web3:
Part of middleware call signature
Web3.py middleware
return exception_retry_middleware(
[docs]def raise_on_revert_middleware(
make_request: Callable[[RPCEndpoint, Any], Any],
web3: "Web3",
) -> Callable[[RPCEndpoint, Any], Any]:
"""Automatically show the transaction revert reason in Python traceback.
- Designed to make writing unit tests more productive
- Transaction will already revert in `eth_estimateGas` call unless you have manually
set the gas limit for your transaction
- If a transaction fails, this middleware display its revert reason in Python exception message
- Tested with Anvil testing backend
- May interfere with :py:func:`http_retry_request_with_sleep_middleware`, others,
so don't use in production
.. code-block::
from eth_defi.middleware import revert_reason_middleware
# Fix the web3.py stock gas estimate middlware with smarted one
web3.middleware_onion.replace("gas_estimate", revert_reason_aware_buffered_gas_estimate_middleware)
# Now you check the revert reason as the following
def middleware(method: RPCEndpoint, params: Any) -> RPCResponse:
if method == "eth_sendTransaction":
transaction = params[0]
if "gas" not in transaction:
transaction = assoc(
hex(get_buffered_gas_estimate(web3, transaction)),
return make_request(method, [transaction])
return make_request(method, params)
return middleware
# Monkey patch
# https://github.com/ethereum/web3.py/issues/2936
from eth_utils.toolz import compose
from web3._utils.transactions import fill_nonce, fill_transaction_defaults
from web3.middleware.signing import format_transaction, gen_normalized_accounts
from web3.types import Middleware, RPCEndpoint, RPCResponse
[docs]def construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware_anvil(
) -> Middleware:
"""Capture transactions sign and send as raw transactions
.. note ::
This is web3.py middleware that has been fixed for Anvil/other JSON-RPC compatibility.
Keyword arguments:
private_key_or_account -- A single private key or a tuple,
list or set of private keys. Keys can be any of the following formats:
- An eth_account.LocalAccount object
- An eth_keys.PrivateKey object
- A raw private key as a hex string or byte string
accounts = gen_normalized_accounts(private_key_or_account)
def sign_and_send_raw_middleware(make_request: Callable[[RPCEndpoint, Any], Any], w3: "Web3") -> Callable[[RPCEndpoint, Any], RPCResponse]:
format_and_fill_tx = compose(format_transaction, fill_transaction_defaults(w3), fill_nonce(w3))
def middleware(method: RPCEndpoint, params: Any) -> RPCResponse:
if method != "eth_sendTransaction":
return make_request(method, params)
transaction = format_and_fill_tx(params[0])
if "from" not in transaction:
return make_request(method, params)
elif transaction.get("from") not in accounts:
return make_request(method, params)
account = accounts[transaction["from"]]
raw_tx = account.sign_transaction(transaction).rawTransaction
return make_request(RPCEndpoint("eth_sendRawTransaction"), [raw_tx.hex()])
return middleware
return sign_and_send_raw_middleware
[docs]def static_call_cache_middleware(
make_request: Callable[[RPCEndpoint, Any], Any],
web3: "Web3",
) -> Callable[[RPCEndpoint, Any], Any]:
"""Cache JSON-RPC call values that never change.
The cache is web3 instance itself, to allow sharing the cache
between different JSON-RPC providers.
def middleware(method: RPCEndpoint, params: Any) -> RPCResponse:
cache = getattr(web3, "static_call_cache", {})
if method in STATIC_CALL_LIST:
cached = cache.get(method)
if cached:
return cached
resp = make_request(method, params)
cache[method] = resp
web3.static_call_cache = cache
return resp
return middleware