"""TokenSniffer API.
- Python wrapper for TokenSniffer API
- Allows to fetch ERC-20 risk score and other automatically analysed metadata to determine if a token is some sort of a scam or not
- For usage see :py:class:`CachedTokenSniffer` class
- TokenSniffer API is $99/month, 500 requests a day
- `Read TokeSniffer REST API documentation <https://tokensniffer.readme.io/reference/introduction>`__
- For more examples see `Getting started repo <https://github.com/tradingstrategy-ai/getting-started>`__
import datetime
import logging
import json
from pathlib import Path
from statistics import mean
from typing import TypedDict
import requests
from eth_typing import HexAddress
from requests import Session
from eth_defi.token_analysis.sqlite_cache import PersistentKeyValueStore
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#: Manually whitelist some custodian tokens
#: See :py:func:`is_tradeable_token`.
"USDS", # Dai rebranded
[docs]class TokenSnifferError(Exception):
"""Wrap bad API replies from TokenSniffer.
[docs]class TokenSnifferReply(TypedDict):
"""TokenSniffer JSON payload.
- Some of the fields annotated (not all)
- Described here https://tokensniffer.readme.io/reference/response
- Token is low risk if :py:attr:`score` > 80
Example data:
.. code-block:: json
{'address': '0x873259322be8e50d80a4b868d186cc5ab148543a',
'balances': {'burn_balance': 0.002441962189654333,
'deployer_balance': 0,
'lock_balance': 0,
'owner_balance': 0,
'top_holders': [{'address': '0x15ef07c7ec863081b757f34c497452dbb65f16f7',
'balance': 9332.365029778688,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x0453bef3490d4e4cbb01ec94737b75bbc051c750',
'balance': 7251.968154354711,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x90ba15d4ad2c6ed1aa6296d4c06b3a7ad1599750',
'balance': 3711.3650926786295,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x788b293db0068b17c1147d289aebcd1c7cc11229',
'balance': 1918.5942148506324,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x08c2d690340998bf3f74e6a6496fc2868ced75d5',
'balance': 1764.577012673702,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xe8c97650aa7e4525cc45851af5b2f5f81403432a',
'balance': 1759.1752683280474,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xd4913c03ba8b00a85634c170a404b99ef01fe4f6',
'balance': 1499.323423358631,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x8e54b18ea37a97914149e4bec2b4146503ba14ed',
'balance': 1285.0936630338015,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xcd9f53208390399de0e2ba5914b7bd53afc62835',
'balance': 1243.9131637279036,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x2e43eac73fabe2b207d014726d7c157054beccde',
'balance': 1177.2629555707488,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x396e7c0cdd9dcec52f2b40948f8f703f8d750e10',
'balance': 1101.9120660748333,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x4a63eef3060ad8eabd67c4cd4b9f908c37f2e1c1',
'balance': 1068.880217996999,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x4eeee62a0c41fd39285af411fc9be030dc40a691',
'balance': 1028.24351924691,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xe1ef21cd83316467823b7cd33b43cd87b9ed645a',
'balance': 948.0084401939899,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xe8ea1eab72af70471e3cfa999f4c0eff173473ed',
'balance': 904.7122650717333,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x457d90dc48ba7549c1c04922dc0f3dea23c3a9f2',
'balance': 897.8435736232242,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x3f747d527666d752706fd5d96d5c857a8de4a517',
'balance': 868.5356019052704,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xc731022481a88f40541346fff53eaaf38a5d86ba',
'balance': 811.2400720078341,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xafc17077adcd32cf9110f8f9f271e250b7680fd1',
'balance': 804.5682720521471,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xa735df3b21a6f665e9cb54d7a29918f4047b638d',
'balance': 778.4391820978005,
'is_contract': False}]},
'cached': True,
'chainId': '1',
'contract': {'has_blocklist': True,
'has_fee_modifier': True,
'has_max_transaction_amount': False,
'has_mint': False,
'has_pausable': False,
'has_proxy': False,
'is_source_verified': True},
'created_at': 1718627231000,
'decimals': 18,
'deployer_addr': '0x5a0e7c0f651dfbb45cbc130a3e7422d3e2c8dc57',
'exploits': [],
'is_flagged': True,
'message': 'OK',
'name': 'Ponzio The Cat',
'permissions': {'is_ownership_renounced': True,
'owner_address': '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'},
'pools': [{'address': '0x90908e414d3525e33733d320798b5681508255ea',
'base_address': '0xc02aaa39b223fe8d0a0e5c4f27ead9083c756cc2',
'base_reserve': 320.06561592285965,
'base_symbol': 'ETH',
'burn_balance': 3.24037034920393e+22,
'decimals': 18,
'deployer_balance': 0,
'initial_base_reserve': 0.25798805413538606,
'lock_balance': 0,
'locks': [],
'name': 'Uniswap v2',
'owner_balance': 1e-15,
'top_holders': [{'address': '0x46030f5e33afa7d0b7c0c54a3a8017e10140a979',
'balance': 135224.0254206525},
{'address': '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead',
'balance': 32403.7034920393},
{'address': '0xf76a09d5930285456162fb3c5317d4d79498990a',
'balance': 234.8025868953592},
{'address': '0x1fd1e7bc0e6a5255f94047470bfff8dcafdf2bfa',
'balance': 45.550801246839946},
{'address': '0xa147ebe368a411b2e757f36cef91c592e52adeb2',
'balance': 36.74201290998386},
{'address': '0xf5af46bc5f3a9d412c27ba53c5e57f0ccf9b8ab5',
'balance': 19.0041259704864},
{'address': '0x538f8a3181e6b192629591c06116c882b6be2b7c',
'balance': 16.154725552250454},
{'address': '0x5cc71b76c0ea69c27362e9a595969512933c94c7',
'balance': 15.743890726031212},
{'address': '0xab25362ca38b11975885ffd66b4e7d928159cb56',
'balance': 15.599079045130523},
{'address': '0xeafbfc76e54fbad22e3314008cc1b0d4fa8c1691',
'balance': 11.270345823990574},
{'address': '0xc38798d5444f4b8af98e4dd890bde225f2e2da59',
'balance': 11.108066605155567},
{'address': '0xc425591420ecc0ae301d7c2e223ec6d34ce56902',
'balance': 8.060042964227087},
{'address': '0x16a0ce3e805dd11c7074e9851ab33bfac0cc5bb5',
'balance': 7.429134425519216},
{'address': '0x02cd35dd57d37b97da3df69a526e458f2e8beaa3',
'balance': 6.554675101704869},
{'address': '0x6b96559df5bce0d46487efa92ef41fe68f901f5c',
'balance': 5.054292341485139},
{'address': '0x3286e7eca9da5f6fd9b4f9aad2d13cd0d625e16f',
'balance': 4.972721217335674},
{'address': '0xbfba29a3ca51ad0a4265bfbd223d3da9b0955cd9',
'balance': 4.660561980388217},
{'address': '0xe1908233a1c3b9b22389535e479eb1272f2e9d15',
'balance': 4.639894642263144},
{'address': '0x3aa3419475eca32efde41560de0135cf87c040ab',
'balance': 4.496294877137668},
{'address': '0x3ee117f85f58aae2d9e12ab30e3754e8921bb733',
'balance': 4.460782725068053}],
'total_supply': 1.681493252109614e+23,
'version': '2'}],
'refreshed_at': 1725437810442,
'riskLevel': 'high',
'score': 0,
'similar': [{'address': '0xbe80849ef400b2dfb616c8c268e4e4fa04fb8b8e',
'chainId': 'ETH',
'stcore': 93},
{'address': '0x31e81092412bf5eb329ac7bf3ccaf0971f84e2c2',
'chainId': 'ETH',
'stcore': 91}],
'status': 'ready',
'swap_simulation': {'buy_fee': 1.525060573608289e-14,
'is_sellable': True,
'sell_fee': 0},
'symbol': 'Ponzio',
'tests': [{'description': 'Verified contract source',
'id': 'testForMissingSource',
'result': False},
{'description': 'Source does not contain a proxy contract',
'id': 'testForProxy',
'result': False},
{'description': 'Source does not contain a pausable contract',
'id': 'testForPausable',
'result': False},
{'description': 'Source does not contain a mint function',
'id': 'testForMint',
'result': False},
{'description': 'Source does not contain a function to restore '
'id': 'testForRestoreOwnership',
'result': False},
{'description': 'Source does not contain a function to set maximum '
'transaction amount',
'id': 'testForMaxTransactionAmount',
'result': False},
{'description': 'Source does not contain a function to modify the '
'id': 'testForModifiableFee',
'result': True},
{'description': 'Source does not contain a function to blacklist '
'id': 'testForBlacklist',
'result': True},
{'description': 'Ownership renounced or source does not contain an '
'owner contract',
'id': 'testForOwnershipNotRenounced',
'result': False},
{'description': 'Creator not authorized for special permission',
'id': 'testForAuthorization',
'result': False},
{'description': 'Tokens locked/burned',
'id': 'testForTokensLockedOrBurned',
'result': True,
'value': 0.002441962189654333,
'valuePct': 9.353727652891257e-05},
{'description': 'Creator wallet contains less than 5% of token '
'id': 'testForHighCreatorTokenBalance',
'result': False,
'value': 0,
'valuePct': 0},
{'description': 'Owner wallet contains less than 5% of token supply',
'id': 'testForHighOwnerTokenBalance',
'result': False,
'value': 0,
'valuePct': 0},
{'data': [{'address': '0x15ef07c7ec863081b757f34c497452dbb65f16f7',
'balance': 9332.365029778688,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x0453bef3490d4e4cbb01ec94737b75bbc051c750',
'balance': 7251.968154354711,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x90ba15d4ad2c6ed1aa6296d4c06b3a7ad1599750',
'balance': 3711.3650926786295,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x788b293db0068b17c1147d289aebcd1c7cc11229',
'balance': 1918.5942148506324,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x08c2d690340998bf3f74e6a6496fc2868ced75d5',
'balance': 1764.577012673702,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xe8c97650aa7e4525cc45851af5b2f5f81403432a',
'balance': 1759.1752683280474,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xd4913c03ba8b00a85634c170a404b99ef01fe4f6',
'balance': 1499.323423358631,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x8e54b18ea37a97914149e4bec2b4146503ba14ed',
'balance': 1285.0936630338015,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xcd9f53208390399de0e2ba5914b7bd53afc62835',
'balance': 1243.9131637279036,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x2e43eac73fabe2b207d014726d7c157054beccde',
'balance': 1177.2629555707488,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x396e7c0cdd9dcec52f2b40948f8f703f8d750e10',
'balance': 1101.9120660748333,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x4a63eef3060ad8eabd67c4cd4b9f908c37f2e1c1',
'balance': 1068.880217996999,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x4eeee62a0c41fd39285af411fc9be030dc40a691',
'balance': 1028.24351924691,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xe1ef21cd83316467823b7cd33b43cd87b9ed645a',
'balance': 948.0084401939899,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xe8ea1eab72af70471e3cfa999f4c0eff173473ed',
'balance': 904.7122650717333,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x457d90dc48ba7549c1c04922dc0f3dea23c3a9f2',
'balance': 897.8435736232242,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0x3f747d527666d752706fd5d96d5c857a8de4a517',
'balance': 868.5356019052704,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xc731022481a88f40541346fff53eaaf38a5d86ba',
'balance': 811.2400720078341,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xafc17077adcd32cf9110f8f9f271e250b7680fd1',
'balance': 804.5682720521471,
'is_contract': False},
{'address': '0xa735df3b21a6f665e9cb54d7a29918f4047b638d',
'balance': 778.4391820978005,
'is_contract': False}],
'description': 'All other wallets contain less than 5% of token '
'id': 'testForHighWalletTokenBalance',
'result': True},
{'description': 'Burned amount exceeds total token supply',
'id': 'testForBurnedBalanceExceedsSupply',
'result': False},
{'description': 'All wallets combined contain less than 100% of '
'token supply',
'id': 'testForCombinedWalletsExceedSupply',
'result': True},
{'description': 'All wallets contain less than 100% of token supply',
'id': 'testForImpossibleWalletTokenBalance',
'result': True},
{'currency': 'ETH',
'description': 'Adequate current liquidity',
'id': 'testForInadequateLiquidity',
'result': False,
'value': 320.06561592285965,
'valuePct': 320.06561592285965},
{'description': 'Adequate initial liquidity',
'id': 'testForInadequateInitialLiquidity',
'result': True,
'value': 0.25798805413538606,
'valuePct': 0.6449701353384651},
{'description': 'At least 95% of liquidity locked/burned',
'id': 'testForInadeqateLiquidityLockedOrBurned',
'result': True,
'value': 3.24037034920393e+22,
'valuePct': 0.19270790085767736},
{'description': 'Creator wallet contains less than 5% of liquidity',
'id': 'testForHighCreatorLPBalance',
'result': False,
'value': 0,
'valuePct': 0},
{'description': 'Owner wallet contains less than 5% of liquidity',
'id': 'testForHighOwnerLPBalance',
'result': False,
'value': 1e-15,
'valuePct': 5.947094933300462e-39},
{'description': 'Token is sellable',
'id': 'testForUnableToSell',
'result': False},
{'description': 'Buy fee is less than 5%',
'id': 'testForHighBuyFee',
'result': False,
'valuePct': 0},
{'description': 'Sell fee is less than 5%',
'id': 'testForHighSellFee',
'result': False,
'valuePct': 0},
{'description': 'Buy/sell fee is less than 30%',
'id': 'testForExtremeFee',
'result': False}],
'total_supply': 21000000}
#: Added to the response if it was locally cached
cached: bool
#: OK if success
message: str
status: str
#: 0-100 d
score: int
#: Trading pool data
pools: list[dict]
[docs]class TokenSniffer:
"""TokenSniffer API."""
[docs] def __init__(self, api_key: str, session: Session = None):
assert api_key
self.api_key = api_key
if session is None:
session = requests.Session()
self.session = session
[docs] def fetch_token_info(self, chain_id: int, address: str | HexAddress) -> TokenSnifferReply:
"""Get TokenSniffer token data.
This is a synchronous method and may block long time if TokenSniffer does not have cached results.
:param chain_id:
Integer. Example for Ethereum mainnet is `1`.
:param address:
ERC-20 smart contract address.
Raw TokenSniffer JSON reply.
assert type(chain_id) == int
assert address.startswith("0x")
parameters = {
"apikey": self.api_key,
"include_metrics": True,
"include_tests": True,
"include_similar": True,
"block_until_ready": True,
logger.info("Fetching TokenSniffer data %d: %s", chain_id, address)
url = f"https://tokensniffer.com/api/v2/tokens/{chain_id}/{address}"
resp = self.session.get(url, params=parameters)
if resp.status_code != 200:
raise TokenSnifferError(f"TokeSniffer replied: {resp}: {resp.text}")
data = resp.json()
if data["message"] != "OK":
raise TokenSnifferError(f"Bad TokenSniffer reply: {data}")
# Add timestamp when this was recorded,
# so cache can have this also as a content value
data["data_fetched_at"] = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
return data
[docs]class CachedTokenSniffer(TokenSniffer):
"""Add file-system based cache for TokenSniffer API.
- See :py:class:`TokenSniffer` class for details
- Use SQLite DB as a key-value cache backend, or your custom cache interface
- No support for multithreading/etc. fancy stuff
Example usage:
.. code-block:: python
from eth_defi.token_analysis.tokensniffer import CachedTokenSniffer, is_tradeable_token
# Setup TokenSniffer
db_file = Path(cache_path) / "tokensniffer.sqlite"
tokensniffer_threshold = 24 # Quite low threshold, 0 = total scam
sniffer = CachedTokenSniffer(
ticker = make_full_ticker(pair_metadata[pair_id])
address = pair_metadata[pair_id]["base_token_address"]
sniffed_data = sniffer.fetch_token_info(chain_id.value, address)
if not is_tradeable_token(sniffed_data, risk_score_threshold=tokensniffer_threshold):
score = sniffed_data["score"]
print(f"WARN: Skipping pair {ticker} as the TokenSniffer score {score} is below our risk threshold")
You can also use your own cache interface instead of SQLite. Here is an example SQLALchemy implementation:
.. code-block:: python
class TokenInternalCache(UserDict):
def __init__(self, dbsession: Session):
self.dbsession = dbsession
def match_token(self, token_spec: str) -> Token:
# Sniffer interface gives us tokens as {chain}-{address} strings
chain, address = token_spec.split("-")
chain_id = int(chain)
address = HexBytes(address)
return self.dbsession.query(Token).filter(Token.chain_id == chain_id, Token.address == address).one_or_none()
def __getitem__(self, name) -> None | str:
token = self.match_token(name)
if token is not None:
if token.etherscan_data is not None:
return token.etherscan_data.get("tokensniffer_data")
return None
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
token = self.match_token(name)
if token.etherscan_data is None:
token.etherscan_data = {}
token.etherscan_data["tokensniffer_data"] = value
def __contains__(self, key):
return self.get(key) is not None
# And then usage:
weth = dbsession.query(Token).filter_by(symbol="WETH", chain_id=1).one()
sniffer = CachedTokenSniffer(
cache=cast(dict, TokenInternalCache(dbsession)),
data = sniffer.fetch_token_info(weth.chain_id, weth.address.hex())
assert data["cached"] is False
data = sniffer.fetch_token_info(weth.chain_id, weth.address.hex())
assert data["cached"] is True
[docs] def __init__(
cache_file: Path | None,
api_key: str,
session: Session = None,
cache: dict | None = None,
:param api_key:
TokenSniffer API key.
:param session:
requests.Session for persistent HTTP connections
:param cache_file:
Path to a local file system SQLite file used as a cached.
For simple local use cases.
:param cache:
Direct custom cache interface as a Python dict interface.
For your own database caching.
Cache keys are format: `cache_key = f"{chain_id}-{address}"`.
Cache values are JSON blobs as string.
super().__init__(api_key, session)
if cache is not None:
assert cache_file is None, "Cannot give both cache interface and cache_path"
self.cache = cache
assert isinstance(cache_file, Path), f"Got {cache_file.__class__}"
self.cache = PersistentKeyValueStore(cache_file)
[docs] def fetch_token_info(self, chain_id: int, address: str | HexAddress) -> TokenSnifferReply:
"""Get TokenSniffer info.
Use local file cache if available.
Data passed through TokenSniffer.
A special member `cached` is set depending on whether the reply was cached or not.
cache_key = f"{chain_id}-{address}"
cached = self.cache.get(cache_key)
if not cached:
decoded = super().fetch_token_info(chain_id, address)
self.cache[cache_key] = json.dumps(decoded)
decoded["cached"] = False
decoded = json.loads(cached)
decoded["cached"] = True
return decoded
[docs] def get_diagnostics(self) -> str:
"""Get a diagnostics message.
- Use for logging what kind of data we have collected
Example output:
.. code-block:: text
Token sniffer info is:
TokenSniffer cache database /Users/moo/.cache/tradingstrategy/tokensniffer.sqlite summary:
Entries: 195
Max score: 100
Min score: 0
Avg score: 56.6
Multi-line human readable string
scores = []
path = self.cache.filename
for key in self.cache.keys():
data = json.loads(self.cache[key])
text = f"""
TokenSniffer cache database {path} summary:
Entries: {len(scores)}
Max score: {max(scores)}
Min score: {min(scores)}
Avg score: {mean(scores)}
return text
[docs]def is_tradeable_token(
data: TokenSnifferReply,
symbol: str | None = None,
) -> bool:
"""Risk assessment for open-ended trade universe.
- Based on TokenSniffer reply, determine if we want to trade this token or not
.. note::
This will alert for USDT/USDC, etc. so be careful.
Some example thresholds:
.. code-block:: text
WARN: Skipping pair USDT-USDC-uniswap-v2-30bps, address 0xdac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7 as the TokenSniffer score 45 is below our risk threshold, liquidity is 2,447,736.44 USD
WARN: Skipping pair MKR-DAI-uniswap-v2-30bps as the TokenSniffer score 70 is below our risk threshold, liquidity is 76,978,850.37
WARN: Skipping pair PEPE-WETH-uniswap-v2-30bps as the TokenSniffer score 70 is below our risk threshold, liquidity is 19,104,516.38
WARN: Skipping pair XXi-WETH-uniswap-v2-30bps as the TokenSniffer score 50 is below our risk threshold, liquidity is 10,234,803.81
WARN: Skipping pair PAXG-WETH-uniswap-v2-30bps as the TokenSniffer score 20 is below our risk threshold, liquidity is 9,197,796.28
WARN: Skipping pair FLOKI-WETH-uniswap-v2-30bps as the TokenSniffer score 69 is below our risk threshold, liquidity is 8,786,378.77
WARN: Skipping pair BEAM-WETH-uniswap-v2-30bps as the TokenSniffer score 70 is below our risk threshold, liquidity is 5,192,385.34
:param symbol:
For manual whitelist check.
:param whitelist:
Always whitelist these if the token symbol matches.
E.g. WBTC needs to be whitelisted, as its risk score is 45.
True if we want to trade
if symbol is not None:
if symbol in whitelist:
return True
# Trust on TokenSniffer heurestics
return data["score"] >= risk_score_threshold