"""Uniswap v2 individual trade analysis."""
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Union
from eth_defi.revert_reason import fetch_transaction_revert_reason
from web3 import Web3
from web3.logs import DISCARD
from eth_defi.abi import get_deployed_contract
from eth_defi.token import fetch_erc20_details
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.deployment import UniswapV2Deployment
from eth_defi.trade import TradeFail, TradeSuccess
[docs]def analyse_trade_by_hash(web3: Web3, uniswap: UniswapV2Deployment, tx_hash: str) -> Union[TradeSuccess, TradeFail]:
"""Analyse details of a Uniswap trade based on a transaction id.
Analyses trade fees, etc. based on the event signatures in the transaction.
Works only simp;e trades.
Currently only supports simple analysis where there is one input token
and one output token.
.. code-block:: python
analysis = analyse_trade(web3, uniswap_v2, tx_hash)
assert isinstance(analysis, TradeSuccess) # Trade was successful
assert analysis.price == pytest.approx(Decimal('1744.899124998896692270848706')) # ETC/USDC price
assert analysis.get_effective_gas_price_gwei() == 1 # What gas was paid for this price
.. note ::
This code is still much under development and unlikely to support any
advanced use cases yet.
:param web3:
Web3 instance
:param uniswap:
Uniswap deployment description
:param tx_hash:
Transaction hash as a string
:py:class:`TradeSuccess` or :py:class:`TradeFail` instance
# Example tx https://etherscan.io/tx/0xa8e6d47fb1429c7aec9d30332eafaeb515c8dfa73ab413c48560d8d6060c3193#eventlog
# swapExactTokensForTokens
tx = web3.eth.get_transaction(tx_hash)
tx_receipt = web3.eth.get_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
return analyse_trade_by_receipt(web3, uniswap, tx, tx_hash, tx_receipt)
[docs]def analyse_trade_by_receipt(web3: Web3, uniswap: UniswapV2Deployment, tx: dict, tx_hash: str, tx_receipt: dict, pair_fee: float = None) -> Union[TradeSuccess, TradeFail]:
"""Analyse details of a Uniswap trade based on already received receipt.
See also :py:func:`analyse_trade_by_hash`.
This function is more ideal for the cases where you know your transaction is already confirmed
and you do not need to poll the chain for a receipt.
.. warning::
Assumes one trade per TX - cannot decode TXs with multiple trades in them.
.. code-block:: python
tx_hash = router.functions.swapExactTokensForTokens(
).transact({"from": user_1})
tx = web3.eth.get_transaction(tx_hash)
receipt = web3.eth.get_transaction_receipt(tx_hash)
analysis = analyse_trade_by_receipt(web3, uniswap_v2, tx, tx_hash, receipt)
assert isinstance(analysis, TradeSuccess)
assert analysis.price == pytest.approx(Decimal("1744.899124998896692270848706"))
:param web3:
Web3 instance
:param uniswap:
Uniswap deployment description
:param tx:
Transaction data as a dictionary: needs to have `data` or `input` field to decode
:param tx_hash:
Transaction hash: needed for the call for the revert reason)
:param tx_receipt:
Transaction receipt to analyse
:param pair_fee:
The lp fee for this pair.
:py:class:`TradeSuccess` or :py:class:`TradeFail` instance
pair = uniswap.PairContract
# Example tx https://etherscan.io/tx/0xa8e6d47fb1429c7aec9d30332eafaeb515c8dfa73ab413c48560d8d6060c3193#eventlog
# swapExactTokensForTokens
router = uniswap.router
# assert tx_receipt["to"] == router.address, f"For now, we can only analyze naive trades to the router. This tx was to {tx_receipt['to']}, router is {router.address}"
effective_gas_price = tx_receipt.get("effectiveGasPrice", 0)
gas_used = tx_receipt["gasUsed"]
# TODO: Unit test this code path
# Tx reverted
if tx_receipt["status"] != 1:
reason = fetch_transaction_revert_reason(web3, tx_hash)
return TradeFail(gas_used, effective_gas_price, revert_reason=reason)
# Decode inputs going to the Uniswap swap
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/70737448/315168
# function, input_args = router.decode_function_input(get_transaction_data_field(tx))
# path = input_args["path"]
# assert function.fn_name == "swapExactTokensForTokens", f"Unsupported Uniswap v2 trade function {function}"
# assert len(path), f"Seeing a bad path Uniswap routing {path}"
# amount_in = input_args["amountIn"]
# amount_out_min = input_args["amountOutMin"]
# Decode the last output.
# Assume Swap events go in the same chain as path
swap = pair.events.Swap()
# The tranasction logs are likely to contain several events like Transfer,
# Sync, etc. We are only interested in Swap events.
events = swap.process_receipt(tx_receipt, errors=DISCARD)
assert len(events) > 0, f"No swap events detected:{tx_receipt}"
# Reconstruct path
path = []
for evt in events:
amount0_in = evt["args"]["amount0In"]
amount1_in = evt["args"]["amount1In"]
assert amount0_in == 0 or amount1_in == 0, "Unsupported analysis for multiple inputs"
pair = get_deployed_contract(web3, "sushi/UniswapV2Pair.json", events[0]["address"])
if amount0_in:
token_address = pair.functions.token0().call()
amount_in = amount0_in
token_address = pair.functions.token1().call()
amount_in = amount1_in
amount0_in = events[0]["args"]["amount0In"]
amount1_in = events[0]["args"]["amount1In"]
assert amount0_in == 0 or amount1_in == 0, "Unsupported analysis for multiple inputs"
first_pair = get_deployed_contract(web3, "sushi/UniswapV2Pair.json", events[0]["address"])
if amount0_in:
in_token_address = first_pair.functions.token0().call()
amount_in = amount0_in
in_token_address = first_pair.functions.token1().call()
amount_in = amount1_in
in_token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, in_token_address)
# (AttributeDict({'args': AttributeDict({'sender': '0xDe09E74d4888Bc4e65F589e8c13Bce9F71DdF4c7', 'to': '0x2B5AD5c4795c026514f8317c7a215E218DcCD6cF', 'amount0In': 0, 'amount1In': 500000000000000000000, 'amount0Out': 284881561276680858, 'amount1Out': 0}), 'event': 'Swap', 'logIndex': 4, 'transactionIndex': 0, 'transactionHash': HexBytes('0x58312ff98147ca16c3a81019c8bca390cd78963175e4c0a30643d45d274df947'), 'address': '0x68931307eDCB44c3389C507dAb8D5D64D242e58f', 'blockHash': HexBytes('0x1222012923c7024b1d49e1a3e58552b89e230f8317ac1b031f070c4845d55db1'), 'blockNumber': 12}),)
amount0_out = events[-1]["args"]["amount0Out"]
amount1_out = events[-1]["args"]["amount1Out"]
# Depending on the path, the out token can pop up as amount0Out or amount1Out
# For complex swaps (unspported) we can have both
assert amount0_out == 0 or amount1_out == 0, "Unsupported swap type: only one output token supported"
last_pair = get_deployed_contract(web3, "sushi/UniswapV2Pair.json", events[-1]["address"])
if amount0_out:
out_token_address = last_pair.functions.token0().call()
amount_out = amount0_out
out_token_address = last_pair.functions.token1().call()
amount_out = amount1_out
out_token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, out_token_address)
amount_out_cleaned = Decimal(amount_out) / Decimal(10**out_token_details.decimals)
amount_in_cleaned = Decimal(amount_in) / Decimal(10**in_token_details.decimals)
price = amount_out_cleaned / amount_in_cleaned
lp_fee_paid = float(amount_in * pair_fee / 10**in_token_details.decimals) if pair_fee else None
return TradeSuccess(
# https://github.com/OpenZeppelin/openzeppelin-contracts/blob/master/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol#L75
# WETH9 wtf Transfer()
# https://github.com/gnosis/canonical-weth/blob/master/contracts/WETH9.sol#L24