Source code for eth_defi.uniswap_v3.liquidity

"""Uniswap v3 liquidity events and depth estimation."""
import csv
import math
from functools import reduce
from pprint import pp
from typing import Iterable, TypedDict

import pandas as pd
from eth_typing import HexAddress

from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.constants import DEFAULT_TICK_SPACINGS
from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.utils import (

[docs]class TickDelta(TypedDict): """A dictionary of a tick delta, where liquidity of a tick changes""" # block number when tick delta happens block_number: int # timestamp when tick delta happens timestamp: str # pool which contains the tick pool_contract_address: HexAddress # tick number tick_id: int # delta of liquidity gross liquidity_gross_delta: int # delta of liquidity net liquidity_net_delta: int
[docs]def handle_mint_event(event: dict) -> Iterable[TickDelta]: """Construct tick deltas from mint event :param event: Mint event :return: Tick deltas for lower tick and upper tick """ block_number = event["block_number"] timestamp = event["timestamp"] pool_contract_address = event["pool_contract_address"] amount = int(event["amount"]) lower_tick_id = event["tick_lower"] upper_tick_id = event["tick_upper"] yield TickDelta( block_number=block_number, timestamp=timestamp, pool_contract_address=pool_contract_address, tick_id=lower_tick_id, liquidity_gross_delta=amount, liquidity_net_delta=amount, ) yield TickDelta( block_number=block_number, timestamp=timestamp, pool_contract_address=pool_contract_address, tick_id=upper_tick_id, liquidity_gross_delta=amount, liquidity_net_delta=-amount, )
[docs]def handle_burn_event(event: dict) -> Iterable[TickDelta]: """Construct tick deltas from burn event :param event: Mint event :return: Tick deltas for lower tick and upper tick """ block_number = event["block_number"] timestamp = event["timestamp"] pool_contract_address = event["pool_contract_address"] amount = int(event["amount"]) lower_tick_id = event["tick_lower"] upper_tick_id = event["tick_upper"] yield TickDelta( block_number=block_number, timestamp=timestamp, pool_contract_address=pool_contract_address, tick_id=lower_tick_id, liquidity_gross_delta=-amount, liquidity_net_delta=-amount, ) yield TickDelta( block_number=block_number, timestamp=timestamp, pool_contract_address=pool_contract_address, tick_id=upper_tick_id, liquidity_gross_delta=-amount, liquidity_net_delta=amount, )
[docs]def create_tick_delta_csv( mints_csv: str, burns_csv: str, output_folder: str = "/tmp", ) -> str: """Create intermediate tick delta csv based on mint and burn events :param mints_csv: Path to mint events CSV :param burns_csv: Path to burn events CSV :param output_folder: Folder to contain output CSV files, default is /tmp folder :return: output CSV path """ mints_df = pd.read_csv(mints_csv) burns_df = pd.read_csv(burns_csv) # filter out duplicates mints_df = mints_df.drop_duplicates( subset=["pool_contract_address", "tx_hash", "log_index", "tick_lower", "tick_upper", "amount"], keep="first", ) burns_df = burns_df.drop_duplicates( subset=["pool_contract_address", "tx_hash", "log_index", "tick_lower", "tick_upper", "amount"], keep="first", ) file_path = f"{output_folder}/uniswap-v3-tickdeltas.csv" with open(file_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as fh: writer = csv.DictWriter(fh, fieldnames=TickDelta.__annotations__.keys()) writer.writeheader() for _, event in mints_df.iterrows(): for tick_delta in handle_mint_event(event): writer.writerow(tick_delta) for _, event in burns_df.iterrows(): for tick_delta in handle_burn_event(event): writer.writerow(tick_delta) return file_path
[docs]def create_tick_csv( tick_delta_csv: str, output_folder: str = "/tmp", ) -> str: """Create tick csv based on tick delta :param tick_delta_csv: Path to tick delta CSV :param output_folder: Folder to contain output CSV files, default is /tmp folder :return: output CSV path """ deltas_df = pd.read_csv(tick_delta_csv) # we don't need to use block number and timestamp here deltas_df = deltas_df[["pool_contract_address", "tick_id", "liquidity_gross_delta", "liquidity_net_delta"]] def sum_int(series: pd.Series) -> int: """Cast series to int then sum Since liquidity data is loaded from csv, it has type object and the data (uint128) is too big to fit to any pandas datatype """ return reduce(lambda x, y: int(x) + int(y), series) ticks_df = ( deltas_df.groupby(["pool_contract_address", "tick_id"]) .agg( { "liquidity_gross_delta": sum_int, "liquidity_net_delta": sum_int, } ) .reset_index() ) file_path = f"{output_folder}/uniswap-v3-ticks.csv" ticks_df.to_csv(file_path) return file_path
[docs]def get_pool_state_at_block(pool_address: HexAddress, block_number: int): """Get a pool state (current liquidity, tick, ticks) at a given block using Uniswap V3 subgraph data""" batch_limit = 1000 result = run_graphql_query( """ query ($pool_id: ID!, $pool: String!, $block_number: Int, $limit: Int) { pool(id: $pool_id, block: {number: $block_number}) { token0 { symbol decimals } token1 { symbol decimals } liquidity tick feeTier } ticks( first: $limit, skip: 0, orderBy: tickIdx, orderDirection: asc, block: {number: $block_number}, where: {pool: $pool, liquidityNet_not: 0} ) { tickIdx liquidityNet liquidityGross } } """, variables={ "pool_id": pool_address, "pool": pool_address, # we need a separate variable since pool_id has gql type ID instead of String "block_number": block_number, "limit": batch_limit, }, ) pool = result["pool"] ticks = result["ticks"] # query more ticks if needed if len(ticks) == batch_limit: skip = batch_limit while True: result = run_graphql_query( """ query ($pool: String!, $block_number: Int, $skip: Int, $limit: Int) { ticks( first: $limit, skip: $skip, orderBy: tickIdx, orderDirection: asc, block: {number: $block_number}, where: {pool: $pool, liquidityNet_not: 0} ) { tickIdx liquidityNet liquidityGross } } """, variables={ "pool": pool_address, "block_number": block_number, "skip": skip, "limit": batch_limit, }, ) if len(result["ticks"]) == 0: break ticks += result["ticks"] skip += batch_limit return { "liquidity": int(pool["liquidity"]), "tick": int(pool["tick"]), "fee": int(pool["feeTier"]), "token0": pool["token0"], "token1": pool["token1"], "ticks": ticks, }
[docs]def estimate_liquidity_depth_at_block( pool_address: HexAddress, block_number: int, *, depths: list[float] = [-5, -2, -1, -0.5, -0.2, -0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5], verbose: bool = False, ) -> list[tuple[float, float, float]]: """Calculate the liquidity at multiple depths of a pool at a given block `See this StackExchange question for commentary <>`_ :param pool_address: Uniswap v3 pool address :param block_number: Block number when the liquidity should be measured :param depths: A list of depths in percentage where liquidity should be measured, default: 12 depth range from -5% to +%5 :param verbose: Print out information to console if True, default: False :return: A list of liquidity depth in form of tuple: depth, amount of token needed to buy to reach current depth, adjusted amount of token (based on token decimals) """ # get current pool state from subgraph data pool_state = get_pool_state_at_block(pool_address, block_number) current_tick = pool_state["tick"] current_liquidity = pool_state["liquidity"] sqrt_current_price = tick_to_sqrt_price(current_tick) cache_sqrt_current_price = tick_to_sqrt_price(current_tick) ticks = pool_state["ticks"] tick_spacing = DEFAULT_TICK_SPACINGS[pool_state["fee"]] current_price = tick_to_price(current_tick) base_token = pool_state["token0"]["symbol"] base_token_decimals = int(pool_state["token0"]["decimals"]) quote_token = pool_state["token1"]["symbol"] quote_token_decimals = int(pool_state["token1"]["decimals"]) # adjust based on decimals adjusted_current_price = current_price / 10 ** (quote_token_decimals - base_token_decimals) if verbose: print(f"Pool has {len(ticks)} nonzero ticks, current tick is {current_tick}. Current price is {adjusted_current_price} {quote_token} for 1 {base_token}") # get current tick range nearest_tick: dict = min([t for t in ticks if current_tick < int(t["tickIdx"])], key=lambda t: int(t["tickIdx"])) nearest_tick_index = ticks.index(nearest_tick) liquidity_depths = [] for depth in depths: # calculate target price in certain depth target_price = current_price * (100 + depth) / 100 sqrt_target_price = math.sqrt(target_price) sqrt_current_price = cache_sqrt_current_price assert sqrt_target_price != sqrt_current_price lower_tick_range = ticks[:nearest_tick_index] upper_tick_range = ticks[nearest_tick_index:] liquidity = current_liquidity delta_tokens = 0 if verbose: print(f"> Start checking depth {depth}%") if sqrt_target_price > sqrt_current_price: # too much base token in the pool try: while sqrt_target_price > sqrt_current_price: tick_item = upper_tick_range.pop(0) tick_lower = int(tick_item["tickIdx"]) tick_upper = tick_lower + tick_spacing sqrt_price_upper = tick_to_sqrt_price(tick_upper) liquidity += int(tick_item["liquidityNet"]) if verbose: print(f"Crossing tick range {tick_lower} {tick_upper} with liquidity {tick_item['liquidityNet']} and upper price {sqrt_price_upper**2}") if sqrt_target_price > sqrt_price_upper: # not in the current price range; use all X in the range delta_tokens += get_token0_amount_in_range(liquidity, sqrt_current_price, sqrt_price_upper) # adjust current price and continue looping to next tick range sqrt_current_price = sqrt_price_upper else: # in the current price range delta_tokens += get_token0_amount_in_range(liquidity, sqrt_current_price, sqrt_target_price) sqrt_current_price = sqrt_target_price liquidity_depths.append((depth, delta_tokens, delta_tokens / 10**base_token_decimals)) if verbose: print(f"\tNeed to buy {delta_tokens / 10**base_token_decimals:_} {base_token} from pool to reach target price {target_price} (+{depth}%)\n") except IndexError: liquidity_depths.append((depth, None)) if verbose: print("\tNot enough liquidity to reach target price\n") else: # too much quote token in the pool try: while sqrt_target_price < sqrt_current_price: tick_item = lower_tick_range.pop() tick_lower = int(tick_item["tickIdx"]) tick_upper = tick_lower + tick_spacing sqrt_price_lower = tick_to_sqrt_price(tick_lower) sqrt_price_upper = tick_to_sqrt_price(tick_upper) liquidity -= int(tick_item["liquidityNet"]) if verbose: print(f"Crossing tick range {tick_lower} {tick_upper} with liquidity {tick_item['liquidityNet']} and lower price {sqrt_price_lower**2}") if sqrt_target_price < sqrt_price_lower: # not in the current price range; use all Y in the range delta_tokens += get_token1_amount_in_range(liquidity, sqrt_current_price, sqrt_price_lower) # adjust current price and continue looping to next tick range sqrt_current_price = sqrt_price_lower else: # in the current price range delta_tokens += get_token1_amount_in_range(liquidity, sqrt_current_price, sqrt_target_price) sqrt_current_price = sqrt_target_price liquidity_depths.append((depth, delta_tokens, delta_tokens / 10**quote_token_decimals)) if verbose: print(f"\tNeed to buy {delta_tokens / 10**quote_token_decimals:_} {quote_token} tokens from pool to reach target price {target_price} ({depth}%)\n") except IndexError: liquidity_depths.append((depth, None)) if verbose: print("\tNot enough liquidity to reach target price\n") if verbose: print("> Result price depths:") pp(liquidity_depths) return liquidity_depths