Source code for eth_defi.vault.valuation

"""Net asset valuation calculations for token portfolios and vaults.

- Calculate the value of vault portfolio using only onchain data,
  available from JSON-RPC

- Find best routes to buy tokens, which result to the best price, using brute force

- See :py:class:`NetAssetValueCalculator` for usage

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from collections import defaultdict
from dataclasses import dataclass
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import Iterable, Any, TypeAlias, Hashable

import pandas as pd
from eth_typing import HexAddress, BlockIdentifier
from matplotlib._api import classproperty
from multicall import Call, Multicall
from web3 import Web3
from web3.contract import Contract

from eth_defi.abi import decode_function_output
from eth_defi.event_reader.multicall_batcher import get_multicall_contract, call_multicall_batched_single_thread, MulticallWrapper, call_multicall_debug_single_thread
from eth_defi.provider.anvil import is_mainnet_fork
from eth_defi.provider.broken_provider import get_almost_latest_block_number
from eth_defi.token import TokenDetails, fetch_erc20_details, TokenAddress
from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.utils import encode_path
from eth_defi.vault.base import VaultPortfolio
from eth_defi.vault.lower_case_dict import LowercaseDict

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

TokenAmount: TypeAlias = Decimal

[docs]class NoRouteFound(Exception): """We could not route some of the spot tokens to get any valuations for them."""
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True) class PortfolioValuation: """Valuation calulated for a portfolio. See :py:class:`eth_defi.vault.base.VaultPortfolio` for the portfolio itself. """ #: The reserve currency of this vault denomination_token: TokenDetails #: Individual spot valuations spot_valuations: dict[HexAddress, Decimal] def __post_init__(self): for key, value in self.spot_valuations.items(): assert isinstance(value, Decimal), f"Valuation result was not Decimal number {key}: {value}"
[docs] def get_total_equity(self) -> Decimal: """How much we value this portfolio in the :py:attr:`denomination_token`""" return sum(self.spot_valuations.values())
[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True, slots=True) class SwapMatrix: """Brute-forced route swap result for a portfolio of buying multiple tokens. See :py:meth:`NetAssetValueCalculator.find_swap_routes` """ #: Outcome of different attempted routes. #: #: Result is none if the path did not exist or the smart contract call failed. #: results: dict["Route", Decimal | None] best_results_by_token: dict[TokenDetails, list[tuple["Route", Decimal | None]]] @property def tokens(self) -> set: return set(self.best_results_by_token.keys())
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True) class Route: """One potential swap path. - Support paths with 2 or 3 pairs - Present one potential swap path between source and target - Routes can contain any number of intermediate tokens in the path - Used to ABI encode for multicall calls """ #: What router we use quoter: "ValuationQuoter" #: What route path we take path: tuple[TokenDetails, TokenDetails] | tuple[TokenDetails, TokenDetails, TokenDetails] #: Fees between pools for Uni v3 fees: tuple[int] | tuple[int, int] | None = None def __post_init__(self): assert isinstance(self.path[0], TokenDetails), f"Got {self.path[0]}" assert isinstance(self.path[1], TokenDetails), f"Got {self.path[1]}" if self.fees: for f in self.fees: assert type(f), f"Got {f}" def __repr__(self): return f"<Route {self.get_formatted_path()} using quoter {self.quoter.dex_hint}>" def __hash__(self) -> int: """Unique hash for this instance""" return hash((self.dex_hint, self.path, self.fees)) def __eq__(self, other: "Route") -> bool: return self.path == other.path and \ self.dex_hint == other.dex_hint and \ self.fees == other.fees @property def source_token(self) -> TokenDetails: return self.path[0] @property def target_token(self) -> TokenDetails: return self.path[-1] @property def intermediate_token(self) -> TokenDetails | None: if len(self.path) == 3: return self.path[1] return None @property def function_signature_string(self) -> str: return self.signature[0] @property def token(self) -> TokenDetails: return self.source_token @property def dex_hint(self) -> str: return self.quoter.dex_hint @property def address_path(self) -> list[str]: return [Web3.to_checksum_address(x.address) for x in self.path]
[docs] def get_formatted_path(self) -> str: """Return human readable path.""" return self.quoter.format_path(self)
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True) class ValuationMulticallWrapper(MulticallWrapper): """Wrap the undertlying Multicall with diagnostics data. - Because the underlying Multicall lib is not powerful enough. - And we do not have time to fix it """ quoter: "ValuationQuoter" route: Route amount_in: int def __repr__(self): return f"<ValuationMulticallWrapper on DEX:{self.quoter.dex_hint}, route:{self.quoter.format_path(self.route)}, amount in:{self.amount_in} using func:{}>"
[docs] def get_key(self) -> Hashable: return self.route
def get_human_id(self) -> str: return str(self.get_key())
[docs] def create_multicall(self) -> Call: """Create underlying call about.""" call = Call(self.contract_address, self.signature, [(self.route, self)]) return call
[docs] def handle(self, success, raw_return_value: bytes) -> TokenAmount | None: if not success: return None try: token_amount = self.quoter.handle_onchain_return_value( self, raw_return_value, ) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to decode. Quoter {self.quoter}, return dadta {raw_return_value}") from e return token_amount
[docs]class ValuationQuoter(ABC): """Handle asset valuation on a specific DEX/quoter. - Takes in source and target tokens as input and generate all routing path combinations - Creates routes to a specific DEX - Each DEX has its own quoter contract we need to integrate - Resolves the onchain Solidity function return value to a token amount we get """
[docs] def __init__(self, debug: bool = False): self.debug = debug
@abstractmethod def generate_routes( self, source_token: TokenDetails, target_token: TokenDetails, intermediate_tokens: set[TokenDetails], amount: Decimal, debug: bool, ) -> Iterable[Route]: # Direct route yield () @abstractmethod def handle_onchain_return_value( self, route: Route, raw_return_value: any, ): pass @abstractmethod def create_multicall_wrapper(self, route: Route, amount_in: int) -> ValuationMulticallWrapper: pass
[docs] @abstractmethod def format_path(self, route: Route) -> str: """Get human-readable route path line."""
[docs] @classmethod @abstractmethod def dex_hint(cls) -> str: """Return string id used to identify this DEX. E.g. ``uniswap-v2``. """
[docs]class UniswapV2Router02Quoter(ValuationQuoter): """Handle Uniswap v2 quoters using Router02 contract. - - """ #: Quoter signature string for Multicall lib. #: #: Not the standard string signature format, #: because Multicall lib wants it special output format suffix here signature_string = "getAmountsOut(uint256,address[])(uint256[])"
[docs] def __init__( self, swap_router_v2: Contract, debug: bool = False, ): super().__init__(debug=debug) assert isinstance(swap_router_v2, Contract) self.swap_router_v2 = swap_router_v2
def __repr__(self): return f"<UniswapV2Router02Quoter({self.swap_router_v2.address})>" @classproperty def dex_hint(cls) -> str: return "uniswap-v2" def create_multicall_wrapper(self, route: Route, amount_in: int) -> ValuationMulticallWrapper: # If we need to optimise Python parsing speed, we can directly pass function selectors and pre-packed ABI bound_func = self.swap_router_v2.functions.getAmountsOut(amount_in, route.address_path) return ValuationMulticallWrapper( quoter=self, route=route, amount_in=amount_in, debug=self.debug, call=bound_func, )
[docs] def generate_routes( self, source_token: TokenDetails, target_token: TokenDetails, intermediate_tokens: set[TokenDetails], amount: Decimal, debug: bool, ) -> Iterable[Route]: """Create routes we need to test on Uniswap v2""" for path in self.get_path_combinations( source_token, target_token, intermediate_tokens, ): yield Route( quoter=self, path=path, )
[docs] def handle_onchain_return_value( self, wrapper: ValuationMulticallWrapper, raw_return_value: bytes, ) -> Decimal | None: """Convert getAmountsOut() return value to tokens we receive""" route = wrapper.route func = self.swap_router_v2.functions.getAmountsOut(wrapper.amount_in, wrapper.route.address_path) decoded = decode_function_output(func, raw_return_value) target_token_out = decoded[0][-1] human_out = route.target_token.convert_to_decimals(target_token_out) "Uniswap V2, path %s resolved, %s %s -> %s %s", route.get_formatted_path(), route.source_token.convert_to_decimals(wrapper.amount_in), route.source_token.symbol, human_out, route.target_token.symbol ) return human_out
[docs] def get_path_combinations( self, source_token: TokenDetails, target_token: TokenDetails, intermediate_tokens: set[TokenDetails], ) -> Iterable[list[TokenDetails]]: """Generate Uniswap v2 swap paths with all supported intermediate tokens""" # Path without intermediates yield (source_token, target_token) # Path with each intermediate for middle in intermediate_tokens: if source_token.address == middle.address: # Skip WETH -> WETH -> USDC continue yield (source_token, middle, target_token)
[docs] def format_path(self, route) -> str: str_path = [ f"{route.source_token.symbol} ->" ] for token in route.path[1:-1]: str_path.append(f"{token.symbol} ->") str_path.append( f"{route.target_token.symbol}" ) return " ".join(str_path)
def _fee_hook( source_token, target_token) -> tuple[int] | tuple[int, int]: """Guess supported fees for Uniswap v3 pairs. - Radically reduce the search space by using heurestics - 5 BPS is only available on well known pools, otherwise it is 30 bps or 1% """ # #: 1 BPS = 100 units if (source_token.symbol == "WETH" and target_token.symbol == "USDC") or \ (source_token.symbol == "USDC" and target_token.symbol == "WETH"): # 5 BPS is only enabled on return (500,) return (30*100, 100*100,)
[docs]class UniswapV3Quoter(ValuationQuoter): """Handle Uniswap v3 quoters using QuoterV2 contract.""" #: Quoter signature string for Multicall lib. #: #: signature_string = "quoteExactInput(bytes,uint256)(uint256,uint160[],uint32[],uint256)"
[docs] def __init__( self, quoter: Contract, debug: bool = False, #fee_tiers=(0.0030, 0.0005, 0.01), fee_hook=_fee_hook, ): super().__init__(debug=debug) assert isinstance(quoter, Contract) self.quoter = quoter #self.fee_tiers = [int(f * 1_000_000) for f in fee_tiers] self.fee_hook = _fee_hook
def __repr__(self): return f"<UniswapV3QuoterV2({self.quoter.address})>" @classproperty def dex_hint(cls) -> str: return "uniswap-v3" def create_multicall_wrapper(self, route: Route, amount_in: int) -> ValuationMulticallWrapper: # If we need to optimise Python parsing speed, we can directly pass function selectors and pre-packed ABI path = encode_path(route.address_path, route.fees) bound_func = self.quoter.functions.quoteExactInput( path, amount_in, ) return ValuationMulticallWrapper( quoter=self, route=route, amount_in=amount_in, debug=self.debug, call=bound_func, )
[docs] def generate_routes( self, source_token: TokenDetails, target_token: TokenDetails, intermediate_tokens: set[TokenDetails], amount: Decimal, debug: bool, ) -> Iterable[Route]: """Create routes we need to test on Uniswap v2""" for path, fees in self.get_path_combinations( source_token, target_token, intermediate_tokens, ): yield Route( quoter=self, path=path, fees=fees )
[docs] def handle_onchain_return_value( self, wrapper: ValuationMulticallWrapper, raw_return_value: any, ) -> Decimal | None: """Convert swapExactTokensForTokens() return value to tokens we receive""" route = wrapper.route # returns ( # uint256 amountOut, # uint160[] memory sqrtPriceX96AfterList, # uint32[] memory initializedTicksCrossedList, # uint256 gasEstimate # ); if raw_return_value == 0: # Not sure what's this? return None amount_out = int.from_bytes(raw_return_value[0:32]) return route.target_token.convert_to_decimals(amount_out)
[docs] def get_path_combinations( self, source_token: TokenDetails, target_token: TokenDetails, intermediate_tokens: set[TokenDetails], ) -> Iterable[tuple[list[HexAddress], list[int]]]: """Generate Uniswap v3 swap paths and fee with all supported intermediate tokens""" # Path without intermediates fees = self.fee_hook(source_token, target_token) for fee in fees: yield (source_token, target_token), (fee,) # Path with each intermediate for middle in intermediate_tokens: fees_1 = self.fee_hook(source_token, middle) fees_2 = self.fee_hook(middle, target_token) for fee_1 in fees_1: for fee_2 in fees_2: yield (source_token, middle, target_token), (fee_1, fee_2)
[docs] def format_path(self, route) -> str: str_path = [ f"{route.source_token.symbol} -({route.fees[0] // 100} BPS)->" ] for token in route.path[1:-1]: str_path.append(f"{token.symbol} -({route.fees[1] // 100} BPS)->") str_path.append( f"{route.target_token.symbol}" ) return " ".join(str_path)
[docs]class NetAssetValueCalculator: """Calculate valuation of all vault spot assets, assuming we would sell them on Uniswap market sell or similar. - Query valuations using *only* onchain data / direct quoter smart contracts, no external indexers or services needed - Price impact and fees included - Brute forces all possible route combinations - Pack more RPC punch by using Multicall library .. note :: Early prototype code. Example: .. code-block:: vault = lagoon_vault universe = TradingUniverse( spot_token_addresses={ base_weth.address, base_usdc.address, base_dino.address, } ) latest_block = get_almost_latest_block_number(web3) portfolio = vault.fetch_portfolio(universe, latest_block) assert portfolio.get_position_count() == 3 uniswap_v2_quoter_v2 = UniswapV2Router02Quoter(uniswap_v2.router) nav_calculator = NetAssetValueCalculator( web3, denomination_token=base_usdc, intermediary_tokens={base_weth.address}, # Allow DINO->WETH->USDC quoters={uniswap_v2_quoter_v2}, debug=True, ) routes = nav_calculator.create_route_diagnostics(portfolio) print(routes) Outputs: .. code-block:: text # Routes and their sell values: Asset Address Balance Router Works Value Path USDC USDC 0x833589fCD6eDb6E08f4c7C32D4f71b54bdA02913 0.35 yes 0.35 WETH -> USDC WETH 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006 0.000000 UniswapV2Router02Quoter yes 0.00 DINO -> USDC DINO 0x85E90a5430AF45776548ADB82eE4cD9E33B08077 547942.000069 UniswapV2Router02Quoter no - DINO -> WETH -> USDC DINO 0x85E90a5430AF45776548ADB82eE4cD9E33B08077 547942.000069 UniswapV2Router02Quoter yes 36.69 """
[docs] def __init__( self, web3: Web3, denomination_token: HexAddress | TokenDetails, intermediary_tokens: set[HexAddress | TokenDetails], quoters: set[ValuationQuoter], multicall: bool|None=None, block_identifier: BlockIdentifier = None, multicall_gas_limit=10_000_000, debug=False, batch_size=15, legacy_multicall=False, ): """Create a new NAV calculator. :param denomination_token: Value the portfolio in this token. E.g. USDC :param intermediary_tokens: When looking for sell routes, these are allowed tokens we can do three leg trades. E.g. WETH, USDT. :param quoters: Supported DEX quoters we can sell on. :param block_identifier: Block number for the valuation time. :param multicall: Use multicall to optimise RPC access. None = autodetect. True = force. False = disabled. :param multicall_gas_limit: Let's not explode our RPC node :param batch_size: Batch size to one Multicall RPC in the number of calls. :param debug: Unit test flag. Print out failed calldata to logging INFO, so you can inspect failed multicalls in Tenderly debugger. """ self.web3 = web3 self.chain_id = web3.eth.chain_id self.denomination_token = _convert_to_token_details(web3, self.chain_id, denomination_token) self.intermediary_tokens = {_convert_to_token_details(web3, self.chain_id, t) for t in intermediary_tokens} self.quoters = quoters self.multicall = multicall self.multicall_gas_limit = multicall_gas_limit self.debug = debug self.batch_size = batch_size self.legacy_multicall = legacy_multicall if block_identifier is None: block_identifier = get_almost_latest_block_number(web3) self.block_identifier = block_identifier
[docs] def generate_routes_for_router( self, router: ValuationQuoter, portfolio: VaultPortfolio, buy=False, ) -> Iterable[Route]: """Create all potential routes we need to test to get quotes for a single asset. :param buy: Generate routes for buying: portfolio tokens present buy target. Otherwise generate routes for selling: portfolio tokens present tokens we want to get rid off. """ for token_address, amount in portfolio.spot_erc20.items(): if token_address == self.denomination_token.address_lower: # Reserve currency does not need to be valued in the reserve currency continue token = _convert_to_token_details(self.web3, self.chain_id, token_address) if buy: yield from router.generate_routes( source_token=self.denomination_token, target_token=token, intermediate_tokens=self.intermediary_tokens, amount=amount, debug=self.debug, ) else: yield from router.generate_routes( source_token=token, target_token=self.denomination_token, intermediate_tokens=self.intermediary_tokens, amount=amount, debug=self.debug, )
[docs] def calculate_market_sell_nav( self, portfolio: VaultPortfolio, allow_failed_routing=False, ) -> PortfolioValuation: """Calculate net asset value for each position. - Portfolio net asset value is the sum of positions - What is our NAV if we do market sell on DEXes for the whole portfolio now - Price impact included :param allow_failed_routing: Raise an error if we cannot get a single route for some token s :return: Map of token address -> valuation in denomiation token """ assert portfolio.is_spot_only() assert portfolio.get_position_count() > 0, "Empty portfolio""Calculating NAV for a portfolio with %d assets", portfolio.get_position_count()) routes = [r for router in self.quoters for r in self.generate_routes_for_router(router, portfolio)]"Resolving total %d routes", len(routes)) all_routes = self.fetch_onchain_valuations(routes, portfolio) if not allow_failed_routing: routes_per_token = defaultdict(list) for r, value in all_routes.items(): routes_per_token[r.source_token].append((r, value)) for token, routes in routes_per_token.items(): if not any(t[1] is not None for t in routes): new_line = "\n" raise NoRouteFound(f"No single successful route for token {token}\nRoutes:\n{new_line.join(str(r[0]) + ':' + str(r[1]) for r in routes)}")"Got %d multicall results", len(all_routes)) # Discard failed paths succeed_routes = {k: v for k, v in all_routes.items() if v is not None}"Found %d successful routes", len(succeed_routes)) assert len(succeed_routes) > 0, "Could not find any viable routes for any token. We messed up smart contract calls badly?" best_result_by_token = self.resolve_best_valuations(portfolio.tokens, succeed_routes) # Reserve currency does not need to be traded if self.denomination_token.address_lower in portfolio.spot_erc20: best_result_by_token[self.denomination_token.address_lower] = portfolio.spot_erc20[self.denomination_token.address_lower] # Discard bad paths with None value valulation = PortfolioValuation( denomination_token=self.denomination_token, spot_valuations=best_result_by_token, ) return valulation
[docs] def resolve_best_valuations( self, input_tokens: set[HexAddress], routes: dict[Route, TokenAmount] ): """Any source token may have multiple paths. Pick one that gives the best amount out.""""Resolving best routes, %d tokens, %d routes", len(input_tokens), len(routes)) # best_route_by_token: dict[TokenAddress, Route] best_result_by_token: dict[TokenAddress, TokenAmount] = LowercaseDict() for route, token_amount in routes.items():"Route %s got result %s", route, token_amount) if best_result_by_token.get(route.source_token.address, None) is None: # Initialise with 0.00 best_result_by_token[route.source_token.address] = token_amount elif token_amount > best_result_by_token.get(route.source_token.address, 0): best_result_by_token[route.source_token.address] = token_amount # Validate all tokens got at least one path for token_address in input_tokens: if token_address == self.denomination_token.address_lower: # Cannot route reserve currency to itself continue if token_address not in best_result_by_token: token = fetch_erc20_details(self.web3, token_address) routes_tried = [r for r in routes.keys() if r.source_token.address == token_address] raise NoRouteFound(f"Token {token} did not get any valid DEX routing paths to calculate its current market value.\nRoutes tried: {routes_tried}") return best_result_by_token
[docs] def do_multicall( self, calls: list[MulticallWrapper] ): """Multicall mess untangling.""" if self.legacy_multicall: # Old bantg path. # Do not use. # Only headche. multicall = Multicall( calls=[c.create_multicall() for c in calls], block_id=self.block_identifier, _w3=self.web3, require_success=False, gas_limit=self.multicall_gas_limit, ) batched_result = multicall() return batched_result else: multicall_contract = get_multicall_contract( self.web3, block_identifier=self.block_identifier, ) # return call_multicall_debug_single_thread( # multicall_contract, # calls=calls, # block_identifier=self.block_identifier, # ) return call_multicall_batched_single_thread( multicall_contract, calls=calls, block_identifier=self.block_identifier, batch_size=self.batch_size, )
[docs] def fetch_onchain_valuations( self, routes: list[Route], portfolio: VaultPortfolio, legacy=False, ) -> dict[Route, TokenAmount]: """Use multicall to make calls to all of our quoters. - Does not handle reserve currency, as this never has any route to itself :return: Map routes -> amount out token amounts with this route """ multicall = self.multicall if multicall is None:"Autodetecting multicall") multicall = is_mainnet_fork(self.web3) raw_balances = portfolio.get_raw_spot_balances(self.web3)"fetch_onchain_valuations(), %d routes, multicall is %s", len(routes), multicall) calls = [r.quoter.create_multicall_wrapper(r, raw_balances[r.source_token.address]) for r in routes]"Processing %d Multicall Calls", len(calls)) if multicall: return self.do_multicall(calls) else: # Fallback not supported yet raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def try_swap_paths( self, routes: list[Route], portfolio: VaultPortfolio, ) -> dict[Route, TokenAmount]: """Use multicall to try all possible swap paths for tokens. - Find the best buy options - Assume :py:attr:`VaultPortfolio.spot_erc20` contains token amounts we want to buy :return: Map routes -> amount out token amounts with this route """ multicall = self.multicall if multicall is None:"Autodetecting multicall") multicall = is_mainnet_fork(self.web3) web3 = self.web3 chain_id = web3.eth.chain_id denomination_token = self.denomination_token tokens: dict[HexAddress, TokenDetails] = {address: fetch_erc20_details(web3, address, chain_id) for address in portfolio.tokens} raw_balances = LowercaseDict(**{address: denomination_token.convert_to_raw(portfolio.spot_erc20[address]) for address, token in tokens.items()}) "try_swap_paths(), %d routes, %d quoters, multicall is %s", len(routes), len(self.quoters), multicall, ) calls = [r.quoter.create_multicall_wrapper(r, raw_balances[r.target_token.address]) for r in routes]"Processing %d Multicall Calls", len(calls)) if multicall: return self.do_multicall(calls) else: # Fallback not supported yet raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def create_route_diagnostics( self, portfolio: VaultPortfolio, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Create a route diagnotics table. - Show all routes generated for the portfolio - Flag routes that work - Show values of each portfolio position if sold with the route Outputs: .. code-block:: text Asset Address Balance Router Works Value Path USDC USDC 0x833589fCD6eDb6E08f4c7C32D4f71b54bdA02913 0.35 yes 0.35 WETH -> USDC WETH 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006 0.000000 UniswapV2Router02Quoter yes 0.00 DINO -> USDC DINO 0x85E90a5430AF45776548ADB82eE4cD9E33B08077 547942.000069 UniswapV2Router02Quoter no - DINO -> WETH -> USDC DINO 0x85E90a5430AF45776548ADB82eE4cD9E33B08077 547942.000069 UniswapV2Router02Quoter yes 36.69 :return: Human-readable DataFrame. Indexed by asset. """ routes = [r for router in self.quoters for r in self.generate_routes_for_router(router, portfolio)] sell_prices = self.fetch_onchain_valuations(routes, portfolio) data = [] reserve_balance = portfolio.spot_erc20.get(self.denomination_token.address, 0) if reserve_balance: # Handle case where we cannot route reserve balance to itself data.append({ "DEX": "reserve", "Path": self.denomination_token.symbol, # "Asset": self.denomination_token.symbol, # "Address": self.denomination_token.address, "Balance": f"{reserve_balance:,.2f}", # "Router": "", "Works": "yes", "Value": f"{reserve_balance:,.2f}", }) for route in routes: out_balance = sell_prices[route] if out_balance is not None: formatted_balance = f"{out_balance:,.2f}" else: formatted_balance = "-" data.append({ "DEX": route.quoter.dex_hint, "Path": route.quoter.format_path(route), # "Asset": route.source_token.symbol, # "Address": route.source_token.address, "Balance": f"{portfolio.spot_erc20[route.source_token.address]:.6f}", "Works": "yes" if out_balance is not None else "no", "Value": formatted_balance, }) df = pd.DataFrame(data) df = df.sort_values(by=["Path", "DEX"]) return df
[docs] def find_swap_routes(self, portfolio: VaultPortfolio, buy=True) -> SwapMatrix: """Find the best routes to buy tokens.""" assert portfolio.is_spot_only() assert portfolio.get_position_count() > 0, "Empty portfolio""find_swap_routes(), portfolio with %d assets", portfolio.get_position_count()) routes = [r for router in self.quoters for r in self.generate_routes_for_router(router, portfolio, buy=buy)]"Resolving total %d routes", len(routes)) all_route_results = self.try_swap_paths(routes, portfolio) results_by_token = defaultdict(list) for r, amount in all_route_results.items(): results_by_token[r.target_token].append((r, amount)) def _get_route_priorisation_sort_key(route_amount_tuple): amount = route_amount_tuple[1] if amount is None: # router failed, sort to end return Decimal(0) return amount # Make so that the best result (most tokens bought) is the first of all tried results results_by_token = {token: sorted(routes, key=_get_route_priorisation_sort_key, reverse=True) for token, routes in results_by_token.items()} return SwapMatrix( results=all_route_results, best_results_by_token=results_by_token, )
def _convert_to_token_details( web3: Web3, chain_id: int, token_or_address: HexAddress | TokenDetails, ) -> TokenDetails: if isinstance(token_or_address, TokenDetails): return token_or_address return fetch_erc20_details(web3, token_or_address, chain_id=chain_id)