Documentation for eth_defi.vault.valuation.NetAssetValueCalculator Python class.
- class NetAssetValueCalculator[source]
Calculate valuation of all vault spot assets, assuming we would sell them on Uniswap market sell or similar.
Query valuations using only onchain data / direct quoter smart contracts, no external indexers or services needed
Price impact and fees included
Brute forces all possible route combinations
Pack more RPC punch by using Multicall library
Early prototype code.
vault = lagoon_vault universe = TradingUniverse( spot_token_addresses={ base_weth.address, base_usdc.address, base_dino.address, } ) latest_block = get_almost_latest_block_number(web3) portfolio = vault.fetch_portfolio(universe, latest_block) assert portfolio.get_position_count() == 3 uniswap_v2_quoter_v2 = UniswapV2Router02Quoter(uniswap_v2.router) nav_calculator = NetAssetValueCalculator( web3, denomination_token=base_usdc, intermediary_tokens={base_weth.address}, # Allow DINO->WETH->USDC quoters={uniswap_v2_quoter_v2}, debug=True, ) routes = nav_calculator.create_route_diagnostics(portfolio) print(routes)
# Routes and their sell values: Asset Address Balance Router Works Value Path USDC USDC 0x833589fCD6eDb6E08f4c7C32D4f71b54bdA02913 0.35 yes 0.35 WETH -> USDC WETH 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006 0.000000 UniswapV2Router02Quoter yes 0.00 DINO -> USDC DINO 0x85E90a5430AF45776548ADB82eE4cD9E33B08077 547942.000069 UniswapV2Router02Quoter no - DINO -> WETH -> USDC DINO 0x85E90a5430AF45776548ADB82eE4cD9E33B08077 547942.000069 UniswapV2Router02Quoter yes 36.69
Methods summary
(web3, denomination_token, ...[, ...])Create a new NAV calculator.
(portfolio[, ...])Calculate net asset value for each position.
(portfolio)Create a route diagnotics table.
(calls)Multicall mess untangling.
(routes, portfolio)Use multicall to make calls to all of our quoters.
(portfolio[, buy])Find the best routes to buy tokens.
(router, portfolio)Create all potential routes we need to test to get quotes for a single asset.
(input_tokens, routes)Any source token may have multiple paths.
(routes, portfolio)Use multicall to try all possible swap paths for tokens.
- __init__(web3, denomination_token, intermediary_tokens, quoters, multicall=None, block_identifier=None, multicall_gas_limit=10000000, debug=False, batch_size=15, legacy_multicall=False)[source]
Create a new NAV calculator.
- Parameters
denomination_token (Union[eth_typing.evm.HexAddress, eth_defi.token.TokenDetails]) –
Value the portfolio in this token.
intermediary_tokens (set[Union[eth_typing.evm.HexAddress, eth_defi.token.TokenDetails]]) –
When looking for sell routes, these are allowed tokens we can do three leg trades.
quoters (set[eth_defi.vault.valuation.ValuationQuoter]) – Supported DEX quoters we can sell on.
block_identifier (Optional[Union[Literal['latest', 'earliest', 'pending', 'safe', 'finalized'], eth_typing.evm.BlockNumber, eth_typing.evm.Hash32, eth_typing.encoding.HexStr, int]]) – Block number for the valuation time.
Use multicall to optimise RPC access.
None = autodetect.
True = force.
False = disabled.
multicall_gas_limit – Let’s not explode our RPC node
batch_size – Batch size to one Multicall RPC in the number of calls.
debug –
Unit test flag.
Print out failed calldata to logging INFO, so you can inspect failed multicalls in Tenderly debugger.
web3 (web3.main.Web3) –
- generate_routes_for_router(router, portfolio, buy=False)[source]
Create all potential routes we need to test to get quotes for a single asset.
- Parameters
buy –
Generate routes for buying: portfolio tokens present buy target.
Otherwise generate routes for selling: portfolio tokens present tokens we want to get rid off.
router (eth_defi.vault.valuation.ValuationQuoter) –
portfolio (eth_defi.vault.base.VaultPortfolio) –
- Return type
Calculate net asset value for each position.
Portfolio net asset value is the sum of positions
What is our NAV if we do market sell on DEXes for the whole portfolio now
Price impact included
- param allow_failed_routing
Raise an error if we cannot get a single route for some token
- s
- return
Map of token address -> valuation in denomiation token
- Parameters
portfolio (eth_defi.vault.base.VaultPortfolio) –
- Return type
- resolve_best_valuations(input_tokens, routes)[source]
Any source token may have multiple paths. Pick one that gives the best amount out.
- Parameters
input_tokens (set[eth_typing.evm.HexAddress]) –
routes (dict[eth_defi.vault.valuation.Route, decimal.Decimal]) –
- do_multicall(calls)[source]
Multicall mess untangling.
- Parameters
calls (list[eth_defi.event_reader.multicall_batcher.MulticallWrapper]) –
- fetch_onchain_valuations(routes, portfolio, legacy=False)[source]
Use multicall to make calls to all of our quoters.
Does not handle reserve currency, as this never has any route to itself
- Returns
Map routes -> amount out token amounts with this route
- Parameters
routes (list[eth_defi.vault.valuation.Route]) –
portfolio (eth_defi.vault.base.VaultPortfolio) –
- Return type
- try_swap_paths(routes, portfolio)[source]
Use multicall to try all possible swap paths for tokens.
Find the best buy options
contains token amounts we want to buy
- Returns
Map routes -> amount out token amounts with this route
- Parameters
routes (list[eth_defi.vault.valuation.Route]) –
portfolio (eth_defi.vault.base.VaultPortfolio) –
- Return type
- create_route_diagnostics(portfolio)[source]
Create a route diagnotics table.
Show all routes generated for the portfolio
Flag routes that work
Show values of each portfolio position if sold with the route
Asset Address Balance Router Works Value Path USDC USDC 0x833589fCD6eDb6E08f4c7C32D4f71b54bdA02913 0.35 yes 0.35 WETH -> USDC WETH 0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006 0.000000 UniswapV2Router02Quoter yes 0.00 DINO -> USDC DINO 0x85E90a5430AF45776548ADB82eE4cD9E33B08077 547942.000069 UniswapV2Router02Quoter no - DINO -> WETH -> USDC DINO 0x85E90a5430AF45776548ADB82eE4cD9E33B08077 547942.000069 UniswapV2Router02Quoter yes 36.69
- Returns
Human-readable DataFrame.
Indexed by asset.
- Parameters
portfolio (eth_defi.vault.base.VaultPortfolio) –
- Return type
- find_swap_routes(portfolio, buy=True)[source]
Find the best routes to buy tokens.
- Parameters
portfolio (eth_defi.vault.base.VaultPortfolio) –
- Return type