Documentation for eth_defi.hotwallet.SignedTransactionWithNonce Python class.
- class SignedTransactionWithNonce[source]
A better signed transaction structure.
Helper class to pass around the used nonce when signing txs from the wallet.
Compatible with
. Emulates its behavior and should be backwards compatible.Retains more information about the transaction source, to allow us to diagnose broadcasting failures better
Add some debugging helpers
Attributes summary
Whas was the source address for this trasaction
See SignedTransaction
What was the source nonce for this transaction
See SignedTransaction
See SignedTransaction
Get the bytes to be broadcasted to the P2P network.
See SignedTransaction
Unencoded transaction data as a dict.
See SignedTransaction
Methods summary
(value, /)Return number of occurrences of value.
(value[, start, stop])Return first index of value.
- rawTransaction: hexbytes.main.HexBytes
See SignedTransaction
- hash: hexbytes.main.HexBytes
See SignedTransaction
- source: Optional[dict]
Unencoded transaction data as a dict.
If broadcast fails, retain the source so we can debug the cause, like the original gas parameters.
- property raw_transaction: hexbytes.main.HexBytes
Get the bytes to be broadcasted to the P2P network.
Legacy compatibility.
- static __new__(_cls, rawTransaction, hash, r, s, v, nonce, address, source=None)
Create new instance of SignedTransactionWithNonce(rawTransaction, hash, r, s, v, nonce, address, source)