Uniswap v3 liquidity analysis

In this notebook we will show how to download liquidity events from Uniswap V3 to your computer as CSV files and use them to construct and analyse liquidity in each pool.

Download the raw data from Ethereum blockchain

For simplicity, you can sign up for free access to an Ethereum node for example at Infura, however we recommend you to run your own Ethereum node

from web3 import Web3, HTTPProvider

# Get your node JSON-RPC URL
json_rpc_url = input("Please enter your Ethereum mainnet JSON-RPC URL here")
web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(json_rpc_url))

As an example, here we download raw liquidity events from first 100000 blocks after Uniswap V3 factory is created, the events will be stored in several CSV files at /tmp folder.

Depends on your internet connection and latency to the Ethereum node, the scan might take hours. However it can resume in case there is a crash, as we save the last scanned block in a JSON state file.

from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.constants import UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_CREATED_AT_BLOCK
from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.events import fetch_events_to_csv
from eth_defi.event_reader.json_state import JSONFileScanState


# Stores the last block number of event data we store
state = JSONFileScanState("/tmp/uniswap-v3-liquidity-scan.json")

fetch_events_to_csv(json_rpc_url, state, start_block=start_block, end_block=end_block)
No previous scan done, starting fresh from block 12,369,621, total 100,000 blocks
Scanning block range 12,369,621 - 12,469,621
Wrote 1113 PoolCreated events
Wrote 461356 Swap events
Wrote 20791 Mint events
Wrote 9791 Burn events

Construct intermediate data

A single raw liquidity event only tells us what happened to specific ticks in a specific pool. To be able to know how much liquidity is in each tick, we first need to construct intermediate data (we call them tick delta events) based on mint and burn events

from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.liquidity import create_tick_delta_csv

tick_delta_csv = create_tick_delta_csv("/tmp/uniswap-v3-mint.csv", "/tmp/uniswap-v3-burn.csv")

Then we can use these delta events to aggregate into each tick liquidity

from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.liquidity import create_tick_csv

tick_csv = create_tick_csv(tick_delta_csv)

Create a dataframe we can use for further analysis

import pandas as pd

tick_df = pd.read_csv(tick_csv)
Unnamed: 0 pool_contract_address tick_id liquidity_gross_delta liquidity_net_delta
0 0 0x000ea4a83acefdd62b1b43e9ccc281f442651520 -82140 2060173899059917749827 2060173899059917749827
1 1 0x000ea4a83acefdd62b1b43e9ccc281f442651520 -82080 5508168315607950206 5508168315607950206
2 2 0x000ea4a83acefdd62b1b43e9ccc281f442651520 -82020 2060173899059917749827 -2060173899059917749827
3 3 0x000ea4a83acefdd62b1b43e9ccc281f442651520 -81960 5508168315607950206 -5508168315607950206
4 4 0x00323a300261042dd5d697e3f92a06279cc7d15b 62150 81896317601094011387162 81896317601094011387162
... ... ... ... ... ...
13645 13645 0xff90fb880da9738b2044b243daf8172bfe413b5c -123120 0 0
13646 13646 0xff90fb880da9738b2044b243daf8172bfe413b5c -122040 349127115575225137449 349127115575225137449
13647 13647 0xff90fb880da9738b2044b243daf8172bfe413b5c -115140 0 0
13648 13648 0xff90fb880da9738b2044b243daf8172bfe413b5c -111060 349127115575225137449 -349127115575225137449
13649 13649 0xff90fb880da9738b2044b243daf8172bfe413b5c 0 3965269664593024571814 -3965269664593024571814

13650 rows × 5 columns

Liquidity analysis example

Choose a random pool from the tick dataframe, for example: UNI/ETH 0.3%

pool_address = "0x1d42064fc4beb5f8aaf85f4617ae8b3b5b8bd801"

Extract only the ticks relate to the pool we chose from the dataframe

df = tick_df[tick_df.pool_contract_address == pool_address].sort_values(by="tick_id")
df.index = df.tick_id

Unnamed: 0 pool_contract_address tick_id liquidity_gross_delta liquidity_net_delta
-345420 1352 0x1d42064fc4beb5f8aaf85f4617ae8b3b5b8bd801 -345420 0 0
-253260 1353 0x1d42064fc4beb5f8aaf85f4617ae8b3b5b8bd801 -253260 9540245628022539790 9540245628022539790
-242640 1354 0x1d42064fc4beb5f8aaf85f4617ae8b3b5b8bd801 -242640 2032338076661281779 2032338076661281779
-207240 1355 0x1d42064fc4beb5f8aaf85f4617ae8b3b5b8bd801 -207240 911269521453131094 911269521453131094
-206220 1356 0x1d42064fc4beb5f8aaf85f4617ae8b3b5b8bd801 -206220 1409245106840294 1409245106840294
... ... ... ... ... ...
99060 1881 0x1d42064fc4beb5f8aaf85f4617ae8b3b5b8bd801 99060 0 0
115140 1882 0x1d42064fc4beb5f8aaf85f4617ae8b3b5b8bd801 115140 1077028788640831727 -1077028788640831727
131220 1883 0x1d42064fc4beb5f8aaf85f4617ae8b3b5b8bd801 131220 10666729901899493 -10666729901899493
138180 1884 0x1d42064fc4beb5f8aaf85f4617ae8b3b5b8bd801 138180 16150860901245802582 -16150860901245802582
391440 1885 0x1d42064fc4beb5f8aaf85f4617ae8b3b5b8bd801 391440 9540245628022539790 -9540245628022539790

534 rows × 5 columns

We then can plot the liquidity gross in this pool

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 200


Compare the data with The Graph data

One way to verify whether the data we construct is correct is to compare it with official Uniswap V3 subgraph data

tickdelta_df = pd.read_csv(tick_delta_csv)
last_processed_block = tickdelta_df[tickdelta_df.pool_contract_address == pool_address].tail(1).block_number
last_processed_block = int(last_processed_block.values[0])

Get pool’s state at the same last processed block

from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.liquidity import get_pool_state_at_block

pool_state = get_pool_state_at_block(pool_address, last_processed_block)
ticks = pool_state["ticks"]

Then compare random ticks between our CSV data and the subgraph data

import random

# get some random ticks from subgraph
for i in range(10):
    random_tick = random.choice(ticks)

    # get the same tick from dataframe
    random_tick_df = df[df.tick_id == int(random_tick["tickIdx"])]

    # compare data
    assert int(random_tick_df.liquidity_gross_delta.values[0]) == int(random_tick["liquidityGross"])
    assert int(random_tick_df.liquidity_net_delta.values[0]) == int(random_tick["liquidityNet"])