ERC-20 token transfer with
This is a tutorial on how to transfer ERC-20 token in Python with web3-ethereum-defi package.
You need
A private key in hexadecimal format
ETH or other EVM native token for gas fees
A Python virtual environment with web3-ethereum-defi installed
Understanding how to operate command line and command line applications
For any questions please join to Discord chat.
Set up
Import your private key to an environment variable in UNIX shell:
export PRIVATE_KEY="0x1111111111111"
Set up your JSON-RPC connection:
export JSON_RPC_URL="https://"
Transfer script
Then create the following script:
"""Manual transfer script.
- For a hardcoded token, asks to address and amount where to transfer tokens.
- Waits for the transaction to complete
import datetime
import os
import sys
from decimal import Decimal
from eth_account import Account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from web3 import HTTPProvider, Web3
from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware
from eth_defi.abi import get_deployed_contract
from eth_defi.token import fetch_erc20_details
from eth_defi.confirmation import wait_transactions_to_complete
# What is the token we are transferring.
# Replace with your own token address.
ERC_20_TOKEN_ADDRESS = "0x0aC7B3733cBeE5D87A80fbf331f4A0bD01f17386"
# Connect to JSON-RPC node
json_rpc_url = os.environ["JSON_RPC_URL"]
web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(json_rpc_url))
print(f"Connected to blockchain, chain id is {web3.eth.chain_id}. the latest block is {web3.eth.block_number:,}")
# Read and setup a local private key
private_key = os.environ.get("PRIVATE_KEY")
assert private_key is not None, "You must set PRIVATE_KEY environment variable"
assert private_key.startswith("0x"), "Private key must start with 0x hex prefix"
account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key(private_key)
# Show users the current status of token and his address
erc_20 = get_deployed_contract(web3, "ERC20MockDecimals.json", ERC_20_TOKEN_ADDRESS)
token_details = fetch_erc20_details(web3, ERC_20_TOKEN_ADDRESS)
print(f"Token details are {token_details}")
balance = erc_20.functions.balanceOf(account.address).call()
eth_balance = web3.eth.get_balance(account.address)
print(f"Your balance is: {token_details.convert_to_decimals(balance)} {token_details.symbol}")
print(f"Your have {eth_balance/(10**18)} ETH for gas fees")
# Ask for transfer details
decimal_amount = input("How many tokens to transfer? ")
to_address = input("Give destination Ethereum address? ")
# Some input validation
decimal_amount = Decimal(decimal_amount)
except ValueError as e:
raise AssertionError(f"Not a good decimal amount: {decimal_amount}") from e
assert web3.is_checksum_address(to_address), f"Not a checksummed Ethereum address: {to_address}"
# Fat-fingering check
print(f"Confirm transferring {decimal_amount} {token_details.symbol} to {to_address}")
confirm = input("Ok [y/n]?")
if not confirm.lower().startswith("y"):
# Convert a human-readable number to fixed decimal with 18 decimal places
raw_amount = token_details.convert_to_raw(decimal_amount)
tx_hash = erc_20.functions.transfer(to_address, raw_amount).transact({"from": account.address})
# This will raise an exception if we do not confirm within the timeout
print(f"Broadcasted transaction {tx_hash.hex()}, now waiting 5 minutes for mining")
wait_transactions_to_complete(web3, [tx_hash], max_timeout=datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))
print("All ok!")
Run the script:
python scripts/
Example output
Connected to blockchain, chain id is 1. the latest block is 14,627,918
Token details are <XXX (XXX) at 0x0aC7B3733cBeE5D87A80fbf331f4A0bD01f17386>
Your balance is: 369999999 XXX
Your have : 0.2679961495972585 ETH for gas fees
How many tokens to transfer? 1
Give destination Ethereum address? 0x6449299d1d268c4008b4fB992afd04AB5fAec4E6
Confirm transferring 1 XXX to 0x6449299d1d268c4008b4fB992afd04AB5fAec4E6
Ok [y/n]?y
Broadcasted transaction 0xfed8c07b1da1d4348d3ea0ec678f30082fc8e944ada4b0f6510b5a7c05ceb910, now waiting 5 minutes for mining
All ok!