Swap tokens on Uniswap v2 compatible DEXes

This is an simple example script to swap one token to another securely. It works on any Uniswap v2 compatible DEX. For this particular example, we use PancakeSwap on Binance Smart Chain, but you can reconfigure the script for any Uniswap v2 compatible protocol on any EVM-compatible blockchain. The script is set up to swap from BUSD to Binance-custodied ETH.

This script will

  • Sets up a private key with BNB gas money

  • Sets up a PancakeSwap instance

  • Perform a swap from BUSD (base token) to Binance-custodied ETH (quote token) for any amount of tokens you enter

  • Uses slippage protection for the swap so that you do not get exploited by MEV bots

  • Wait for the transactions to complete and display the reason if the trade failed

To find tokens to trade you can use Trading Strategy search or market data listings. For any questions please join to Discord chat.

To run:

export JSON_RPC_BINANCE="https://bsc-dataseed.bnbchain.org"
export PRIVATE_KEY="your private key here"
python scripts/make-swap-on-pancake.py

Example script

"""Make a swap on PancakeSwap Python example script.

This is an simple example script to swap one token to another securely.
It works on any `Uniswap v2 compatible DEX <https://tradingstrategy.ai/glossary/uniswap>`__.
For this particular example, we use PancakeSwap on Binance Smart Chain,
but you can reconfigure the script for any Uniswap v2 compatible protocol
on any `EVM-compatible <https://tradingstrategy.ai/glossary/evm-compatible>`__ blockchain.

- :ref:`Read tutorials section for required Python knowledge, version and how to install related packages <tutorials>`

- In order to run this example script, you need to have
  - Private key on BNB Smart Chain with BNB balance,
    `you can generate a private key on a command line using these instructions <https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/a/125699/620>`__.
  - `Binance Smart Chain JSON-RPC node <https://docs.bnbchain.org/docs/rpc>`. You can use public ones.
  - BUSD balance (you can swap some BNB on BUSD manually by importing your private key to a wallet)
  - Easy way to get few dollars worth of starting tokens is https://global.transak.com/
     with debit card - they support buying tokens natively for many blockchains.
  - Easy way to to manually swap is to import your private key to `Rabby desktop wallet <https://rabby.io/>`__.

This script will

- Sets up a private key with BNB gas money

- Sets up PancakeSwap instance

- Makes a swap from BUSD (base token) to Binance custodied ETH (quote token) for
  any amount of tokens you input

- `Uses slippage protection <https://tradingstrategy.ai/glossary/slippage>`__
  for the swap so that you do not get exploited by `MEV bots <https://tradingstrategy.ai/glossary/mev>`__

- Wait for the transaction to complete and display the reason if the trade succeeded or failed

To run:

.. code-block:: shell

    export JSON_RPC_BINANCE="https://bsc-dataseed.bnbchain.org"
    export PRIVATE_KEY="your private key here"
    python scripts/make-swap-on-pancake.py


import datetime
import os
import sys
from decimal import Decimal

from eth_account import Account
from eth_account.signers.local import LocalAccount
from web3 import HTTPProvider, Web3
from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware

from eth_defi.chain import install_chain_middleware
from eth_defi.gas import node_default_gas_price_strategy
from eth_defi.revert_reason import fetch_transaction_revert_reason
from eth_defi.token import fetch_erc20_details
from eth_defi.confirmation import wait_transactions_to_complete
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.deployment import fetch_deployment
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.swap import swap_with_slippage_protection

# The address of a token we are going to swap out
# Use https://tradingstrategy.ai/search to find your token
# For quote terminology see https://tradingstrategy.ai/glossary/quote-token
QUOTE_TOKEN_ADDRESS = "0xe9e7cea3dedca5984780bafc599bd69add087d56"  # BUSD

# The address of a token we are going to receive
# Use https://tradingstrategy.ai/search to find your token
# For base terminology see https://tradingstrategy.ai/glossary/base-token
BASE_TOKEN_ADDRESS = "0x2170ed0880ac9a755fd29b2688956bd959f933f8"  # Binance custodied ETH on BNB Chain

# Connect to JSON-RPC node
json_rpc_url = os.environ.get("JSON_RPC_BINANCE")
assert json_rpc_url, "You need to give JSON_RPC_BINANCE node URL. Check https://docs.bnbchain.org/docs/rpc for options"

web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider(json_rpc_url))

# Proof-of-authority middleware is needed to connect non-Ethereum mainnet chains
# (BNB Smart Chain, Polygon, etc...)
# Note that you might need to make a pull request to update
# POA_MIDDLEWARE_NEEDED_CHAIN_IDS for any new blockchain
# https://github.com/tradingstrategy-ai/web3-ethereum-defi/blob/ca29529b3b4306623273a40a85c9d155834cf249/eth_defi/chain.py#L25

# Depending on a blockchain, it may or may not use EIP-1559
# based gas pricing and we may need to adjust gas price strategy
# for the outgoing transaction

print(f"Connected to blockchain, chain id is {web3.eth.chain_id}. the latest block is {web3.eth.block_number:,}")

# PancakeSwap data - all smart contract addresses
# and hashes we need to know from off-chain sources.
# Consult your DEX documentation for addresses.
dex = fetch_deployment(

print(f"Uniwap v2 compatible router set to {dex.router.address}")

# Read and setup a local private key
private_key = os.environ.get("PRIVATE_KEY")
assert private_key is not None, "You must set PRIVATE_KEY environment variable"
assert private_key.startswith("0x"), "Private key must start with 0x hex prefix"
account: LocalAccount = Account.from_key(private_key)
my_address = account.address

# Enable eth_sendTransaction using this private key

# Read on-chain ERC-20 token data (name, symbol, etc.)
base = fetch_erc20_details(web3, BASE_TOKEN_ADDRESS)
quote = fetch_erc20_details(web3, QUOTE_TOKEN_ADDRESS)

# Native token balance
# See https://tradingstrategy.ai/glossary/native-token
gas_balance = web3.eth.get_balance(account.address)

print(f"Your address is {my_address}")
print(f"Your have {base.fetch_balance_of(my_address)} {base.symbol}")
print(f"Your have {quote.fetch_balance_of(my_address)} {quote.symbol}")
print(f"Your have {gas_balance / (10 ** 18)} for gas fees")

assert quote.fetch_balance_of(my_address) > 0, f"Cannot perform swap, as you have zero {quote.symbol} needed to swap"

# Ask for transfer details
decimal_amount = input(f"How many {quote.symbol} tokens you wish to swap to {base.symbol}? ")

# Some input validation
    decimal_amount = Decimal(decimal_amount)
except ValueError as e:
    raise AssertionError(f"Not a good decimal amount: {decimal_amount}") from e

# Fat-fingering check
print(f"Confirm swap amount {decimal_amount} {quote.symbol} to {base.symbol}")
confirm = input("Ok [y/n]?")
if not confirm.lower().startswith("y"):

# Convert a human-readable number to fixed decimal with 18 decimal places
raw_amount = quote.convert_to_raw(decimal_amount)

# Each DEX trade is two transactions
# - ERC-20.approve()
# - swap (various functions)
# This is due to bad design of ERC-20 tokens,
# more here https://twitter.com/moo9000/status/1619319039230197760

# Uniswap router must be allowed to spent our quote token
approve = quote.contract.functions.approve(dex.router.address, raw_amount)

tx_1 = approve.build_transaction(
        # approve() may take more than 500,000 gas on Arbitrum One
        "gas": 850_000,
        "from": my_address,

# Build a swap transaction with slippage protection
# Slippage protection is very important, or you
# get instantly overrun by MEV bots with
# sandwitch attacks
# https://tradingstrategy.ai/glossary/mev
bound_solidity_func = swap_with_slippage_protection(
    max_slippage=5,  # Allow 5 BPS slippage before tx reverts

tx_2 = bound_solidity_func.build_transaction(
        # Uniswap v2 swap should not take more than 1M gas units.
        # We do not use automatic gas estimation, as it is unreliable
        # and the number here is the maximum value only.
        # Only way to know this number is by trial and error
        # and experience.
        "gas": 1_000_000,
        "from": my_address,

# Sign and broadcast the transaction using our private key
tx_hash_1 = web3.eth.send_transaction(tx_1)
tx_hash_2 = web3.eth.send_transaction(tx_2)

# This will raise an exception if we do not confirm within the timeout.
# If the timeout occurs the script abort and you need to
# manually check the transaction hash in a blockchain explorer
# whether the transaction completed or not.
tx_wait_minutes = 2.5
print(f"Broadcasted transactions {tx_hash_1.hex()}, {tx_hash_2.hex()}, now waiting {tx_wait_minutes} minutes for it to be included in a new block")
receipts = wait_transactions_to_complete(
    [tx_hash_1, tx_hash_2],

# Check if any our transactions failed
# and display the reason
for completed_tx_hash, receipt in receipts.items():
    if receipt["status"] == 0:
        revert_reason = fetch_transaction_revert_reason(web3, completed_tx_hash)
        raise AssertionError(f"Our transaction {completed_tx_hash.hex()} failed because of: {revert_reason}")

print("All ok!")
print(f"After swap, you have {base.fetch_balance_of(my_address)} {base.symbol}")
print(f"After swap, you have {quote.fetch_balance_of(my_address)} {quote.symbol}")
print(f"After swap, you have {gas_balance / (10 ** 18)} native token left")