Documentation for eth_defi.uniswap_v3.deployment.fetch_deployment function.
- fetch_deployment(web3, factory_address, router_address, position_manager_address, quoter_address, quoter_v2=False, router_v2=False)[source]
Construct Uniswap v3 deployment based on on-chain data.
- Parameters
allow_different_weth_var – We assume Uniswap v3 ABI that has router.WETH() accessor. Some other DEXes might not have it. If set (default) ignore this error and just have None as the value for the wrapped token.
quoter_v2 –
Quoter is a QuoterV2, not V1.
V1 not deployed on Base.
web3 (web3.main.Web3) –
factory_address (Union[eth_typing.evm.HexAddress, str]) –
router_address (Union[eth_typing.evm.HexAddress, str]) –
position_manager_address (Union[eth_typing.evm.HexAddress, str]) –
quoter_address (Union[eth_typing.evm.HexAddress, str]) –
- Returns
Data class representing Uniswap v3 exchange deployment
- Return type