Enzyme vault deployment

  • This example deploys an Enzyme vault with custom policies and adapters. This is a different what you would be able eto deploy through Enzyme user interface.

  • The adapter is configured to use the GuardedGenericAdapter for trading from eth_defi package, allowing pass through any trades satisfying the GuardV0 rules.

  • Because we want multiple deployed smart contracts to be verified on Etherscan, this deployed uses a Forge-based toolchain and thus the script can be only run from the git checkout where submodules are included.

  • The custom deposit and terms of service contracts are bound to the vault.

  • Reads input from environment variables, so this can be used with scripting.

  • The script can launch Anvil to simulate the deployment

The following Enzyme policies and activated to enable trading only via the generic adapter:

  • cumulative_slippage_tolerance_policy (10% week)

  • allowed_adapters_policy (only generic adapter)

  • only_remove_dust_external_position_policy

  • only_untrack_dust_or_priceless_assets_policy

  • allowed_external_position_types_policy

Guard configuration:

  • Guard ownership is not transferred from the deployer to the owner at the end of the script, as you likely need to configure

Example how to run this script to deploy a vault on Polygon:

export SIMULATE=true
export FUND_NAME="TradingStrategy.ai ETH Breakpoint I"
export TERMS_OF_SERVICE=0xDCD7C644a6AA72eb2f86781175b18ADc30Aa4f4d
export ASSET_MANAGER_ADDRESS=0xe747721f8C79A98d7A8dcE0dbd9f26B99E188137
export OWNER_ADDRESS=0x238B0435F69355e623d99363d58F7ba49C408491
# Whitelisted tokens for Polygon: WETH, WMATIC
export WHITELISTED_TOKENS=0x7ceb23fd6bc0add59e62ac25578270cff1b9f619 0x0d500B1d8E8eF31E21C99d1Db9A6444d3ADf1270
export JSON_RPC_URL=

python scripts/enzyme/deploy-vault.py
"""Deploy a new Enzyme vault with a generic adapter.

- This example deploys an Enzyme vault with custom policies and adapters.
  This is a different what you would be able eto deploy through Enzyme user interface.

- The adapter is configured to use the `GuardedGenericAdapter <https://github.com/tradingstrategy-ai/web3-ethereum-defi/blob/master/contracts/in-house/src/GuardedGenericAdapter.sol>`__
  for trading from eth_defi package,
  allowing pass through any trades satisfying the `GuardV0 rules <https://github.com/tradingstrategy-ai/web3-ethereum-defi/tree/master/contracts/guard>`__.

- Because we want multiple deployed smart contracts to be verified on Etherscan,
  this deployed uses a Forge-based toolchain and thus the script
  can be only run from the git checkout where submodules are included.

- The custom deposit and terms of service contracts are bound to the vault.

- Reads input from environment variables, so this can be used with scripting.

- The script can launch Anvil to simulate the deployment

The following Enzyme policies and activated to enable trading only via the generic adapter:

- cumulative_slippage_tolerance_policy (10% week)

- allowed_adapters_policy (only generic adapter)

- only_remove_dust_external_position_policy

- only_untrack_dust_or_priceless_assets_policy

- allowed_external_position_types_policy

Guard configuration:

- Guard ownership is *not* transferred from the deployer
  to the owner at the end of the script, as you likely need to configure

Example how to run this script to deploy a vault on Polygon:

.. code-block:: shell

    export SIMULATE=true
    # Set production=true flag - affects GuardedGenericAdapterDeployed event
    export PRODUCTION=true
    export FUND_NAME="TradingStrategy.ai ETH Breakpoint I"
    export FUND_SYMBOL=TS1
    export TERMS_OF_SERVICE=0xDCD7C644a6AA72eb2f86781175b18ADc30Aa4f4d
    export ASSET_MANAGER_ADDRESS=0xe747721f8C79A98d7A8dcE0dbd9f26B99E188137
    export OWNER_ADDRESS=0x238B0435F69355e623d99363d58F7ba49C408491
    # Whitelisted tokens for Polygon: WETH, WMATIC
    export WHITELISTED_TOKENS=0x7ceb23fd6bc0add59e62ac25578270cff1b9f619 0x0d500B1d8E8eF31E21C99d1Db9A6444d3ADf1270
    export PRIVATE_KEY=
    export JSON_RPC_URL=

    python scripts/enzyme/deploy-vault.py


import logging
import os
import sys
from pprint import pformat

from eth_account import Account
from web3.middleware import construct_sign_and_send_raw_middleware

from eth_defi.abi import get_deployed_contract
from eth_defi.enzyme.deployment import (
from eth_defi.enzyme.generic_adapter_vault import deploy_vault_with_generic_adapter
from eth_defi.hotwallet import HotWallet
from eth_defi.provider.anvil import launch_anvil
from eth_defi.provider.multi_provider import create_multi_provider_web3
from eth_defi.token import fetch_erc20_details
from eth_defi.trace import assert_transaction_success_with_explanation
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.constants import UNISWAP_V2_DEPLOYMENTS
from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.constants import UNISWAP_V3_DEPLOYMENTS
from eth_defi.utils import setup_console_logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def main():
    # Set up stdout logger

    # Set up Web3 connection
    json_rpc_url = os.environ.get("JSON_RPC_URL")
    assert json_rpc_url, f"You need to give JSON_RPC_URL environment variable pointing ot your full node"

    # Read the rest of the variables we use for deployment
    # See eth_defi.enzyme.generic_adapter_vault.deploy_generic_adapter_vault
    # for documentation.
    terms_of_service_address = os.environ["TERMS_OF_SERVICE"]
    private_key = os.environ["PRIVATE_KEY"]
    asset_manager_address = os.environ["ASSET_MANAGER_ADDRESS"]
    owner_address = os.environ["OWNER_ADDRESS"]
    fund_name = os.environ["FUND_NAME"]
    fund_symbol = os.environ["FUND_SYMBOL"]
    etherscan_api_key = os.environ.get("ETHERSCAN_API_KEY")
    simulate = os.environ.get("SIMULATE", "").strip() == "true"
    production = os.environ.get("PRODUCTION", "").strip() == "true"
    uniswap_v2 = os.environ.get("UNISWAP_V2", "").strip() == "true"
    uniswap_v3 = os.environ.get("UNISWAP_V3", "").strip() == "true"

    if simulate:
        logger.info("Simulating deployment")
        anvil = launch_anvil(json_rpc_url)
        web3 = create_multi_provider_web3(anvil.json_rpc_url)
        logger.info("Production deployment")
        web3 = create_multi_provider_web3(json_rpc_url)
        anvil = None
        assert etherscan_api_key is not None, "You need Etherscan API key to verify deployed prod contracts"

    deployer = Account.from_key(private_key)

    # Build the list of whitelisted assets GuardV0 allows us to trade
    whitelisted_assets = []
    for token_address in os.environ.get("WHITELISTED_TOKENS", "").split():
        token_address = token_address.strip()
        if token_address:
            whitelisted_assets.append(fetch_erc20_details(web3, token_address))

    # Read Enzyme deployment and other configs (Uniswap router, etc) from chain
    match web3.eth.chain_id:
        case 137:
            enzyme = EnzymeDeployment.fetch_deployment(web3, POLYGON_DEPLOYMENT, deployer=deployer.address)
        case 1:
            enzyme = EnzymeDeployment.fetch_deployment(web3, ETHEREUM_DEPLOYMENT, deployer=deployer.address)
        case _:
            raise AssertionError(f"Chain {web3.eth.chain_id} not supported")

    terms_of_service = get_deployed_contract(
    terms_of_service.functions.latestTermsOfServiceVersion().call()  # Check ABI matches or crash

    assert owner_address.startswith("0x")
    assert asset_manager_address.startswith("0x")

    hot_wallet = HotWallet(deployer)

    if simulate:
        logger.info("Simulation deployment")
        logger.info("Ready to deploy")
    logger.info("-" * 80)
    logger.info("Deployer hot wallet: %s", deployer.address)
    logger.info("Deployer balance: %f, nonce %d", hot_wallet.get_native_currency_balance(web3), hot_wallet.current_nonce)
    logger.info("Enzyme FundDeployer: %s", enzyme.contracts.fund_deployer.address)
    logger.info("USDC: %s", enzyme.usdc.address)
    logger.info("Terms of service: %s", terms_of_service.address)
    logger.info("Fund: %s (%s)", fund_name, fund_symbol)
    logger.info("Whitelisted assets: USDC and %s", ", ".join([a.symbol for a in whitelisted_assets]))
    if owner_address != deployer.address:
        logger.info("Ownership will be transferred to %s", owner_address)
        logger.warning("Ownership will be retained at the deployer %s", deployer.address)

    if asset_manager_address != deployer.address:
        logger.info("Asset manager is %s", asset_manager_address)
        logger.warning("No separate asset manager role set")

    logger.info("-" * 80)

    if not simulate:
        confirm = input("Ok [y/n]? ")
        if not confirm.lower().startswith("y"):

    logger.info("Starting deployment")

    vault = deploy_vault_with_generic_adapter(

    if anvil:

    logger.warning("GuardV0 owner is still set to the deployer %s", deployer.address)
    logger.info("Vault deployed")
    logger.info("Vault info is:\n%s", pformat(vault.get_deployment_info()))

if __name__ == "__main__":