Source code for eth_defi.enzyme.generic_adapter_vault

"""Safe deployment of Enzyme vaults with generic adapter.

To patch the guard deployment in console:

.. code-block:: python

    import json
    from eth_defi.abi import get_deployed_contract

    deploy_data = json.load(open("deploy/STOCH-RSI-vault-info.json", "rt))
    guard_address = deploy_data["guard"]

    guard = get_deployed_contract(web3, "guard/GuardV0", guard_address)


import logging
import os
import time
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Collection

from eth_typing import HexAddress
from web3 import Web3
from web3.contract import Contract

from eth_defi.aave_v3.constants import AAVE_V3_DEPLOYMENTS, AAVE_V3_NETWORKS
from eth_defi.aave_v3.deployment import fetch_deployment as fetch_aave_deployment
from eth_defi.enzyme.deployment import EnzymeDeployment
from eth_defi.enzyme.policy import (
from eth_defi.enzyme.vault import Vault
from eth_defi.foundry.forge import deploy_contract_with_forge
from eth_defi.hotwallet import HotWallet
from eth_defi.one_delta.constants import ONE_DELTA_DEPLOYMENTS
from eth_defi.one_delta.deployment import fetch_deployment as fetch_1delta_deployment
from eth_defi.provider.anvil import is_anvil
from eth_defi.token import TokenDetails, fetch_erc20_details
from eth_defi.trace import assert_transaction_success_with_explanation
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.constants import QUICKSWAP_DEPLOYMENTS, UNISWAP_V2_DEPLOYMENTS
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.utils import ZERO_ADDRESS
from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.constants import UNISWAP_V3_DEPLOYMENTS

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

CONTRACTS_ROOT = Path(os.path.dirname(__file__)) / ".." / ".." / "contracts"

def _get_chain_slug(web3: Web3) -> str:
    return {
        31337: "anvil",  # only for testing
        1: "ethereum",
        137: "polygon",
        42161: "arbitrum",

[docs]def deploy_vault_with_generic_adapter( deployment: EnzymeDeployment, deployer: HotWallet, asset_manager: HexAddress | str, owner: HexAddress | str, denomination_asset: Contract, terms_of_service: Contract | None, fund_name="Example Fund", fund_symbol="EXAMPLE", whitelisted_assets: Collection[TokenDetails] | None = None, etherscan_api_key: str | None = None, production=False, meta: str = "", uniswap_v2=True, uniswap_v3=True, one_delta=False, aave=False, mock_guard=False, ) -> Vault: """Deploy an Enzyme vault and make it secure. Deploys an Enzyme vault in a specific way we want to have it deployed. - Because we want multiple deployed smart contracts to be verified on Etherscan, this deployed uses a Forge-based toolchain and thus the script can be only run from the git checkout where submodules are included. - Set up default policies - Assign a generic adapter - Assign a USDC payment forwarder with terms of service sign up - Assign asset manager role and transfer ownership - Whitelist USDC and the other given assets - Whitelist Uniswap v2 and v3 spot routers .. note :: The GuardV0 ownership is **not** transferred to the owner at the end of the deployment. You need to do it manually after configuring the guard. :param deployment: Enzyme deployment we use. :param deployer: deployer account we use. :param asset_manager: Give trading access to this hot wallet address. Set to the deployer address to ignore. :param terms_of_service: Terms of service contract we use. :param owner: Nominated new owner. Immediately transfer vault ownership from a deployer to a multisig owner. Multisig needs to confirm this by calling `claimOwnership`. Set to the deployer address to ignore. :param whitelisted_assets: Whitelist these assets on Uniswap v2 and v3 spot market. USDC is always whitelisted. :param denomination_asset: USDC token used as the vault denomination currency. :param etherscan_api_key: Needed to verify deployed contracts. :param production: Production flag set on `GuardedGenericAdapterDeployed` event. :param meta: Metadata for `GuardedGenericAdapterDeployed` event. :param uniswap_v2: Whiteliste Uniswap v2 trading :param uniswap_v3: Whiteliste Uniswap v3 trading :param mock_guard: Deploy unit test mock of the guard :return: Freshly deployed vault """ assert isinstance(deployer, HotWallet), f"Got {type(deployer)}" assert asset_manager.startswith("0x") assert owner.startswith("0x") assert CONTRACTS_ROOT.exists(), f"Cannot find contracts folder {CONTRACTS_ROOT.resolve()} - are you runnign from git checkout?" whitelisted_assets = whitelisted_assets or [] for asset in whitelisted_assets: assert isinstance(asset, TokenDetails) # Log EtherScan API key # Nothing bad can be done with this key, but good diagnostics is more important web3 = deployment.web3 deployed_at_block = web3.eth.block_number chain_slug = _get_chain_slug(web3) "Deploying Enzyme vault. Enzyme fund deployer: %s, Terms of service: %s, USDC: %s, Etherscan API key: %s, block %d", deployment.contracts.fund_deployer.address, terms_of_service.address if terms_of_service is not None else "-", denomination_asset.address, etherscan_api_key, deployed_at_block, ) guard = deploy_guard( web3, deployer=deployer, asset_manager=asset_manager, owner=owner, denomination_asset=denomination_asset, whitelisted_assets=whitelisted_assets, mock_guard=mock_guard, etherscan_api_key=etherscan_api_key, uniswap_v2=uniswap_v2, uniswap_v3=uniswap_v3, aave=aave, one_delta=one_delta, ) generic_adapter = deploy_generic_adapter_with_guard( deployment, deployer, guard=guard, etherscan_api_key=etherscan_api_key, )"GuardedGenericAdapter is deployed at %s", generic_adapter.address) if deployment.contracts.cumulative_slippage_tolerance_policy is not None: policy_configuration = create_safe_default_policy_configuration_for_generic_adapter( deployment, generic_adapter, ) else: # Legacy + unit test policy_configuration = None comptroller, vault = deployment.create_new_vault( deployer.address, denomination_asset, policy_configuration=policy_configuration, fund_name=fund_name, fund_symbol=fund_symbol, ) assert comptroller.functions.getDenominationAsset().call() == denomination_asset.address assert vault.functions.getTrackedAssets().call() == [denomination_asset.address] deployer.sync_nonce(web3) # Some issue with Polygon deployment, # bind_vault() fails in the estimate gas if not is_anvil(web3):"Making sure all contract deployment txs propagade") time.sleep(30) bind_vault( generic_adapter, vault, production, meta, deployer, ) # asset manager role is the trade executor if asset_manager != owner: tx_hash = vault.functions.addAssetManagers([asset_manager]).transact({"from": deployer.address}) assert_transaction_success_with_explanation(web3, tx_hash) # Need to resync the nonce, because it was used outside HotWallet deployer.sync_nonce(web3) if terms_of_service is not None: assert denomination_asset.address assert comptroller.address assert terms_of_service.address payment_forwarder, tx_hash = deploy_contract_with_forge( web3, CONTRACTS_ROOT / "in-house", "TermedVaultUSDCPaymentForwarder.sol", "TermedVaultUSDCPaymentForwarder", deployer, [denomination_asset.address, comptroller.address, terms_of_service.address], etherscan_api_key=etherscan_api_key, )"TermedVaultUSDCPaymentForwarder is %s deployed at %s", payment_forwarder.address, tx_hash.hex()) else: # Legacy + unit test path payment_forwarder, tx_hash = deploy_contract_with_forge( web3, CONTRACTS_ROOT / "in-house", "VaultUSDCPaymentForwarder.sol", "VaultUSDCPaymentForwarder", deployer, [denomination_asset.address, comptroller.address], etherscan_api_key=etherscan_api_key, )"VaultUSDCPaymentForwarder is %s deployed at %s", payment_forwarder.address, tx_hash.hex()) # Give generic adapter back reference to the vault assert vault.functions.getCreator().call() != ZERO_ADDRESS, f"Bad vault creator {vault.functions.getCreator().call()}" whitelist_sender_receiver( guard, deployer, allow_sender=vault.address, allow_receiver=generic_adapter.address, ) assert generic_adapter.functions.getIntegrationManager().call() == deployment.contracts.integration_manager.address assert comptroller.functions.getDenominationAsset().call() == denomination_asset.address assert vault.functions.getTrackedAssets().call() == [denomination_asset.address] if asset_manager != deployer.address: assert vault.functions.canManageAssets(asset_manager).call() # We cannot directly transfer the ownership to a multisig, # but we can set nominated ownership pending if owner != deployer.address: tx_hash = vault.functions.setNominatedOwner(owner).transact({"from": deployer.address}) assert_transaction_success_with_explanation(web3, tx_hash)"New vault owner nominated to be %s", owner) vault = Vault.fetch( web3, vault_address=vault.address, payment_forwarder=payment_forwarder.address, generic_adapter_address=generic_adapter.address, deployed_at_block=deployed_at_block, asset_manager=asset_manager, ) vault.deployer_hot_wallet = deployer assert vault.guard_contract.address == guard.address "Deployed. Vault is %s, initial owner is %s, asset manager is %s", vault.vault.address, vault.get_owner(), asset_manager, ) return vault
[docs]def deploy_guard( web3: Web3, deployer: HotWallet, asset_manager: HexAddress | str, owner: HexAddress | str, denomination_asset: Contract, whitelisted_assets: Collection[TokenDetails] | None = None, etherscan_api_key: str | None = None, uniswap_v2=True, uniswap_v3=True, one_delta=False, aave=False, mock_guard=False, ) -> Contract: """Deploy a new GuardV0 smart contract. - To be associated with Enzyme vault or SimpleVault - Can be deployment standalone and the vault upgraded to use a newer version of the guard See :py:func:`deploy_vault_with_generic_adapter` for more details. :param mock_guard: Set to true to disable actual deployment. Used in legacy unit test setup. """ assert isinstance(deployer, HotWallet), f"Got {type(deployer)}" assert asset_manager.startswith("0x") assert owner.startswith("0x") assert CONTRACTS_ROOT.exists(), f"Cannot find contracts folder {CONTRACTS_ROOT.resolve()} - are you runnign from git checkout?" whitelisted_assets = whitelisted_assets or [] for asset in whitelisted_assets: assert isinstance(asset, TokenDetails) # Log EtherScan API key # Nothing bad can be done with this key, but good diagnostics is more important deployed_at_block = web3.eth.block_number chain_slug = _get_chain_slug(web3) "Deploying Guard. USDC: %s, Etherscan API key: %s, block %d", denomination_asset.address, etherscan_api_key, deployed_at_block, ) if not mock_guard: guard, tx_hash = deploy_contract_with_forge( web3, CONTRACTS_ROOT / "guard", "GuardV0.sol", f"GuardV0", deployer, etherscan_api_key=etherscan_api_key, )"GuardV0 is %s deployed at %s", guard.address, tx_hash.hex()) assert guard.functions.getInternalVersion().call() == 1 else: # Unit testing path guard, tx_hash = deploy_contract_with_forge( web3, CONTRACTS_ROOT / "guard", "MockGuard.sol", f"MockGuard", deployer, etherscan_api_key=etherscan_api_key, )"MockGuard is %s deployed at %s", guard.address, tx_hash.hex()) # Need to resync the nonce, because it was used outside HotWallet deployer.sync_nonce(web3) if not mock_guard: usdc_token = fetch_erc20_details(web3, denomination_asset.address) all_assets = [usdc_token] + whitelisted_assets for asset in all_assets:"Whitelisting %s", asset) # Check token address is valie token = fetch_erc20_details(web3, asset.address)"Decimals of %s is %s", token.symbol, token.decimals) assert token.decimals > 0 tx_hash = guard.functions.whitelistToken(asset.address, f"Whitelisting {asset.symbol}").transact({"from": deployer.address}) assert_transaction_success_with_explanation(web3, tx_hash) if not mock_guard: match web3.eth.chain_id: case 137: uniswap_v3_router = UNISWAP_V3_DEPLOYMENTS["polygon"]["router"] uniswap_v2_router = QUICKSWAP_DEPLOYMENTS["polygon"]["router"] case 1: uniswap_v2_router = UNISWAP_V2_DEPLOYMENTS["ethereum"]["router"] uniswap_v3_router = UNISWAP_V3_DEPLOYMENTS["ethereum"]["router"] case 42161: if uniswap_v2: raise NotImplementedError(f"Uniswap v2 not configured for Arbitrum yet") uniswap_v2_router = None uniswap_v3_router = UNISWAP_V3_DEPLOYMENTS["arbitrum"]["router"] case _: logger.error("Uniswap not supported for chain %d", web3.eth.chain_id) uniswap_v2_router = None uniswap_v3_router = None if uniswap_v2 and uniswap_v2_router:"Whitelisting Uniswap/Quickswap V2 router %s", uniswap_v2_router) tx_hash = guard.functions.whitelistUniswapV2Router(uniswap_v2_router, "").transact({"from": deployer.address}) assert_transaction_success_with_explanation(web3, tx_hash) if uniswap_v3 and uniswap_v3_router:"Whitelisting Uniswap V3 router %s", uniswap_v3_router) tx_hash = guard.functions.whitelistUniswapV3Router(uniswap_v3_router, "").transact({"from": deployer.address}) assert_transaction_success_with_explanation(web3, tx_hash) if one_delta or aave: assert chain_slug in AAVE_V3_DEPLOYMENTS, f"Chain {chain_slug} not supported for Aave v3" aave_v3_deployment = fetch_aave_deployment( web3, pool_address=AAVE_V3_DEPLOYMENTS[chain_slug]["pool"], data_provider_address=AAVE_V3_DEPLOYMENTS[chain_slug]["data_provider"], oracle_address=AAVE_V3_DEPLOYMENTS[chain_slug]["oracle"], ) aave_pool_address = aave_v3_deployment.pool.address else: aave_pool_address = None if one_delta: assert chain_slug in ONE_DELTA_DEPLOYMENTS, f"Chain {chain_slug} not supported for 1delta" one_delta_deployment = fetch_1delta_deployment( web3, flash_aggregator_address=ONE_DELTA_DEPLOYMENTS[chain_slug]["broker_proxy"], broker_proxy_address=ONE_DELTA_DEPLOYMENTS[chain_slug]["broker_proxy"], quoter_address=ONE_DELTA_DEPLOYMENTS[chain_slug]["quoter"], ) broker_proxy_address = one_delta_deployment.broker_proxy.address"Whitelisting 1delta: %s and Aave: %s", broker_proxy_address, aave_pool_address) note = "Allow 1delta" tx_hash = guard.functions.whitelistOnedelta(broker_proxy_address, aave_pool_address, note).transact({"from": deployer.address}) assert_transaction_success_with_explanation(web3, tx_hash) if aave: note = f"Allow Aave v3 pool" tx_hash = guard.functions.whitelistAaveV3(aave_pool_address, note).transact({"from": deployer.address}) assert_transaction_success_with_explanation(web3, tx_hash) match web3.eth.chain_id: case 1: assert web3.eth.chain_id == 1, "TODO: Add support for non-mainnet chains" ausdc_address = "0x98C23E9d8f34FEFb1B7BD6a91B7FF122F4e16F5c""Aave whitelisting for pool %s, aUSDC %s", aave_pool_address, ausdc_address) note = f"Aave v3 pool whitelisting for USDC" tx_hash = guard.functions.whitelistToken(ausdc_address, note).transact({"from": deployer.address}) case 42161: # Arbitrum aave_tokens = AAVE_V3_NETWORKS["arbitrum"].token_contracts # TODO: We automatically list all main a tokens as allowed assets # we should limit here only to what the strategy needs, # as these tokens may have their liquidity to dry up in the future for symbol, token in aave_tokens.items(): "Aave whitelisting for pool %s, atoken:%s address: %s", symbol, aave_pool_address, token.token_address, ) note = f"Whitelisting Aave {symbol}" tx_hash = guard.functions.whitelistToken(token.token_address, note).transact({"from": deployer.address}) assert_transaction_success_with_explanation(web3, tx_hash) case _: raise NotImplementedError(f"TODO: Add support for non-mainnet chains, got {web3.eth.chain_id}") assert_transaction_success_with_explanation(web3, tx_hash) deployer.sync_nonce(web3) return guard
[docs]def deploy_generic_adapter_with_guard( deployment: EnzymeDeployment, deployer: HotWallet, guard: Contract, etherscan_api_key: str | None = None, ) -> Contract: """Deploy a new generic adapter for a vault. TODO: If the vault has existing generic adapter, we do not currently revoke the old adapter. """ assert isinstance(deployment, EnzymeDeployment), f"Got {deployment}" assert isinstance(guard, Contract), f"Got {guard}" web3 = deployment.web3 assert CONTRACTS_ROOT.exists(), f"Cannot find contracts folder {CONTRACTS_ROOT.resolve()} - are you running from git checkout?" generic_adapter, tx_hash = deploy_contract_with_forge( web3, CONTRACTS_ROOT / "in-house", "GuardedGenericAdapter.sol", "GuardedGenericAdapter", deployer, [deployment.contracts.integration_manager.address, guard.address], etherscan_api_key=etherscan_api_key, )"GuardedGenericAdapter is %s deployed at %s", generic_adapter.address, tx_hash.hex()) deployer.sync_nonce(web3) return generic_adapter
[docs]def whitelist_sender_receiver( guard: Contract, deployer: HotWallet, allow_sender: str | None = None, allow_receiver: str | None = None, ): """Configure guard to allow vault to trade with tokens. - Configure where incoming/outgoing tokens """ web3 = guard.w3 # When swap is performed, the tokens will land on the integration contract # and this contract must be listed as the receiver. # Enzyme will then internally move tokens to its vault from here. if allow_receiver: tx_hash = guard.functions.allowReceiver(allow_receiver, "").transact({"from": deployer.address}) assert_transaction_success_with_explanation(web3, tx_hash) # Because Enzyme does not pass the asset manager address to through integration manager, # we set the vault address itself as asset manager for the guard if allow_sender: tx_hash = guard.functions.allowSender(allow_sender, "").transact({"from": deployer.address}) assert_transaction_success_with_explanation(web3, tx_hash)"GenericAdapter %s whitelisted as receiver, %s as sender", allow_receiver, allow_sender) if allow_sender: assert guard.functions.isAllowedSender(allow_sender).call() # vault = asset manager for the guard if not (allow_receiver or allow_sender): # Production deployment foobar - add this warning message for now until figuring # out why allowReceiver() failed logger.warning("No receiver whitelisted")
[docs]def bind_vault( generic_adapter: Contract, vault: Contract, production: bool, meta: str, deployer: HotWallet, gas: int = 500_000, ): """Make GenericAdapter to work with a single vault only. :param gas: estimateGas will crash when calling bindVault() because the tx to deploy the contract has not hit all RPCs yet. """ assert isinstance(vault, Contract), f"Got {vault}" assert generic_adapter.functions.vault().call() == ZERO_ADDRESS, "vault() accessor tells vault already bound" assert generic_adapter.functions.guard().call() != ZERO_ADDRESS, "Does not look like GuardedGenericAdapter: guard() accessor missing" web3 = vault.w3 tx_hash = generic_adapter.functions.bindVault( vault.address, production, meta, ).transact({ "from": deployer.address, "gas": gas, }) assert_transaction_success_with_explanation(web3, tx_hash)