Source code for eth_defi.enzyme.price_feed

"""ChainLink price feed functions"""
from decimal import Decimal
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Dict

from eth_typing import HexAddress, BlockNumber
from hexbytes import HexBytes
from web3 import Web3
from web3.contract import Contract
from web3.exceptions import ContractLogicError

from eth_defi.abi import get_deployed_contract
from eth_defi.chainlink.round_data import ChainLinkLatestRoundData
from eth_defi.enzyme.deployment import EnzymeDeployment, RateAsset
from eth_defi.event_reader.conversion import decode_data, convert_uint256_bytes_to_address, convert_int256_bytes_to_int
from eth_defi.event_reader.filter import Filter
from eth_defi.event_reader.reader import Web3EventReader
from eth_defi.token import fetch_erc20_details, TokenDetails
from eth_defi.utils import ZERO_ADDRESS_STR

[docs]class UnsupportedBaseAsset(Exception): """Cannot calculate on-chain price using Enzyme's ValueInterpreter. Likely the price feed was removed. """
[docs]@dataclass() class EnzymePriceFeed: """High-level Python interface for Enzyme's ValueInterpreter price mechanism. - Uses `ValueInterpreter` methods to calculate on-chain price for supported assets .. note :: Enzyme price feeds are dynamic. They can be remvoed by Enzyme's risk commitee any time. Example: .. code-block:: python # Print out the price Enzyme sees for a token usdc = fetch_erc20_details(web3, POLYGON_DEPLOYMENT["usdc"]) price = feed.calculate_current_onchain_price(usdc) print(f" {feed.primitive_token.symbol}, current price is {price:,.4f} USDC") """ #: The Enzyme deploymet for which this price feed is associated with deployment: EnzymeDeployment #: Token for which is price is for #: primitive: HexAddress #: Used contract to get the price data #: aggregator: HexAddress #: Do we nominate the price in USD or ETH #: rate_asset: RateAsset #: Decimal place divider for the price feed #: #: For ETH this is 10**18 unit: int #: Solidity event where this price feed was added #: #: add_event: dict | None = None #: Solidity event where this price feed was deleted #: #: remove_event: dict | None = None def __repr__(self): return f"<Enzyme price feed, token:{self.primitive_token} chainlink:{self.chainlink_aggregator.address} removed:{self.remove_event is not None}>" def __hash__(self): return hash((self.web3.eth.chain_id, self.primitive)) def __eq__(self, other): return self.web3.eth.chain_id == other.chain_id and self.primitive == other.primitive @property def web3(self) -> Web3: """The connection we use to resolve on-chain info""" return self.deployment.web3 @property def added_block_number(self) -> BlockNumber: """Block number when the feed was added""" return self.add_event["blockNumber"] @property def removed_block_number(self) -> BlockNumber | None: """Block number when the feed was removed. :return: None if the feed still active """ if self.remove_event: return self.remove_event["blockNumber"] return None
[docs] @staticmethod def wrap(deployment: EnzymeDeployment, event: dict) -> "EnzymePriceFeed": """Wrap the raw Solidity event to a high-level Python interface. :param web3: Web3 connection used for further JSON-RPC API calls :param event: PrimitiveAdded Solidity event :return: Price feed instance """ arguments = decode_data(event["data"]) topics = event["topics"] # event PrimitiveAdded( # address indexed primitive, # address aggregator, # RateAsset rateAsset, # uint256 unit # ); primitive = convert_uint256_bytes_to_address(HexBytes(topics[1])) aggregator = convert_uint256_bytes_to_address(arguments[0]) rate_asset = convert_int256_bytes_to_int(arguments[1]) unit = convert_int256_bytes_to_int(arguments[2]) return EnzymePriceFeed( deployment, primitive, aggregator, RateAsset(rate_asset), unit, add_event=event, )
[docs] @staticmethod def fetch_price_feed( deployment: EnzymeDeployment, token: TokenDetails, ) -> "EnzymePriceFeed": """Get a price feed for a particular token. :param deployment: Enzyme deployment. :param token: Which token we are interested in. :return: Price feed instance :raise UnsupportedBaseAsset: In the case there is no registered price feed for token """ assert isinstance(token, TokenDetails) primitive = token.address value_interpreter = deployment.contracts.value_interpreter aggregator = value_interpreter.functions.getAggregatorForPrimitive(primitive).call() if aggregator == ZERO_ADDRESS_STR: raise UnsupportedBaseAsset(f"No Enzyme configured aggregator for: {token}") rate_asset = value_interpreter.functions.getRateAssetForPrimitive(primitive).call() unit = value_interpreter.functions.getUnitForPrimitive(primitive).call() return EnzymePriceFeed( deployment, primitive, aggregator, RateAsset(rate_asset), unit, add_event=None, )
@cached_property def primitive_token(self) -> TokenDetails: """Access the non-indexed Solidity event arguments.""" return fetch_erc20_details(self.web3, self.primitive, raise_on_error=False) @cached_property def chainlink_aggregator(self) -> Contract: """Resolve the Chainlink aggregator contract.""" return get_deployed_contract( self.web3, "enzyme/IChainlinkAggregator.json", self.aggregator, )
[docs] def fetch_latest_round_data(self) -> ChainLinkLatestRoundData: """Fetch the Chainlink round data from the underlying Chainlink price feed.""" aggregator = self.chainlink_aggregator data = aggregator.functions.latestRoundData().call() return ChainLinkLatestRoundData(data)
[docs] def calculate_current_onchain_price( self, quote: TokenDetails, amount: Decimal = Decimal(1), ) -> Decimal: """Get the primitive asset price for this price feed. Use Enzyme's ValueInterpreter to calculate a price in ETH or USD. - See `calcCanonicalAssetsTotalValue` in `ValueInterpreter` - See `__calcConversionAmount` in `ChainlinkPriceFeedMixin` :param quote: Which quote token we want to use for the valuation :param amount: Amount to valuate. If not given assume 1 token of primitive. :raise UnsupportedBaseAsset: In the case the value interpreter has the price feed removed """ value_interpreter = self.deployment.contracts.value_interpreter raw_amount = self.primitive_token.convert_to_raw(amount) try: results = value_interpreter.functions.calcCanonicalAssetsTotalValue( [self.primitive_token.address], [raw_amount], quote.address, ).call() return quote.convert_to_decimals(results) except ContractLogicError as e: if "Unsupported _baseAsset" in e.args[0]: raise UnsupportedBaseAsset(f"Unsupported base asset: {self.primitive_token.symbol}") raise
[docs]def fetch_price_feeds( deployment: EnzymeDeployment, start_block: int, end_block: int, read_events: Web3EventReader, ) -> Iterable[EnzymePriceFeed]: """Iterate configured price feeds - Uses eth_getLogs ABI - Read both deposits and withdrawals in one go - Serial read - Slow over long block ranges - See `ComptrollerLib.sol` .. warning :: This function does not update status for removed price feeds. Please use :py:func:`fetch_updated_price_feed`. """ web3 = deployment.web3 filter = Filter.create_filter( deployment.contracts.value_interpreter.address, [], ) for solidity_event in read_events( web3, start_block, end_block, filter=filter, ): yield EnzymePriceFeed.wrap(deployment, solidity_event)
[docs]def fetch_updated_price_feed( deployment: EnzymeDeployment, start_block: int, end_block: int, read_events: Web3EventReader, ) -> Dict[HexAddress, EnzymePriceFeed]: """Iterate configured price feeds. - Deal dynamic price feed adds and deletes - Uses eth_getLogs ABI - Read both deposits and withdrawals in one go - Serial read - Slow over long block ranges - See `ComptrollerLib.sol` :return: Token address -> primitive data map """ web3 = deployment.web3 filter = Filter.create_filter( deployment.contracts.value_interpreter.address, [,], ) price_feeds = {} for solidity_event in read_events( web3, start_block, end_block, filter=filter, ): event_name = solidity_event["event"].event_name primitive = convert_uint256_bytes_to_address(HexBytes(solidity_event["topics"][1])) match event_name: case "PrimitiveAdded": feed = EnzymePriceFeed.wrap(deployment, solidity_event) price_feeds[primitive] = feed case "PrimitiveRemoved": try: feed = price_feeds[primitive] except KeyError as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Got remove event for non-existing primitive {primitive} - we have {len(price_feeds)} price feeds") from e feed.remove_event = solidity_event return price_feeds