"""Vault owner wallet implementation.
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Collection, Any, Optional, Tuple
from eth_defi.abi import encode_function_call
from eth_defi.enzyme.generic_adapter import execute_calls_for_generic_adapter
from eth_typing import HexAddress
from eth_defi.enzyme.vault import Vault
from eth_defi.hotwallet import HotWallet, SignedTransactionWithNonce
from hexbytes import HexBytes
from web3.contract import Contract
from web3.contract.contract import ContractFunction
from eth_defi.tx import AssetDelta
[docs]@dataclass(slots=True, frozen=True)
class EnzymeVaultTransaction:
"""Describing a transaction Enzyme vault performs.
- This structure contains inputs needed to perform a vault transaction
- Unlike regular transcation, Enzyme vault transactions need information
about expected inbound and outbound assets in the transaction
- Multiple vault contract calls could be packed into a single transaction,
but we do not support it ATM
.. note::
TODO: kwargs support missing
#: The contract this transaction si for
contract: Contract
#: Which smart contract we are calling
#: `ContractFunction` must be bound to its args, have function.args and/or function.kwargs set.
function: ContractFunction
#: How much gas the hot wallet can spend on this tx
gas_limit: int
#: If this transaction results to changes in the vault balance it must be listed here.
#: This will check that any trade will
#: - Give you the expected assets
#: - Give you the expected slippage tolerance
#: - Tells the vault what is the amount of the payment we make for a trade
asset_deltas: List[AssetDelta] = field(default_factory=list)
def __repr__(self):
incoming = ", ".join(self.incoming_assets)
spending = ", ".join(self.spend_assets)
arg_str = ", ".join([str(a) for a in self.args])
name = getattr(self.contract, "name", "<unnamed contract>")
return f"Transaction with {name}.{self.function.fn_name}({arg_str}), incoming:[{incoming}], spending:[{spending}], gas:{self.gas_limit:,}"
def args(self) -> List[Any]:
"""Unnamed arguments for this Solidity function."""
return self.function.args or []
def incoming_assets(self) -> List[HexAddress]:
return [a.asset for a in self.asset_deltas if a.is_incoming()]
def spend_assets(self) -> List[HexAddress]:
return [a.asset for a in self.asset_deltas if a.is_spending()]
def min_incoming_assets_amounts(self) -> List[int]:
return [a.raw_amount for a in self.asset_deltas if a.is_incoming()]
def spend_asset_amounts(self) -> List[int]:
return [-a.raw_amount for a in self.asset_deltas if a.is_spending()]
[docs] def encode_payload(self) -> HexBytes:
"""Get the data payload in Solidity's ABI encodePacked format"""
return encode_function_call(self.function, self.args)
[docs] def as_json_friendly_dict(self) -> dict:
"""Return human-readable, JSON'able, output for this transaction."""
return {
"contract": self.contract.address,
"function": self.function.fn_name,
"gas": self.gas_limit,
"args": [str(a) for a in self.args],
"asset_deltas": [a.as_json_friendly_dict() for a in self.asset_deltas],
[docs]class VaultControlledWallet:
"""A wallet that transacts through Enzyme Vault as the fund owner.
- Allows you to sign and broadcast transactions concerning Enzyme's vault as a vault owner.
- Vault owner can only broadcast specific transactions allowed by Enzyme's GenericAdapter
[docs] def __init__(self, vault: Vault, hot_wallet: HotWallet):
"""Create a vault controlling wallet.
:param hot_wallet:
The fund deployment account as a EOA wallet.
self.vault = vault
self.hot_wallet = hot_wallet
def address(self) -> HexAddress:
"""Get the vault address."""
return self.vault.address
def generic_adapter(self) -> Contract:
"""Get the adapter configured for the vault."""
generic_adapter = self.vault.generic_adapter
assert generic_adapter is not None, "GenericAdapter not configured for Enzyme deployment"
return generic_adapter
[docs] def sign_transaction_with_new_nonce(
tx: EnzymeVaultTransaction,
gas_params: Optional[dict] = None,
) -> Tuple[SignedTransactionWithNonce, ContractFunction]:
"""Signs a transaction and allocates a nonce for it.
Ethereum transaction data as a dict. This is modified in-place to include nonce.
Signed transaction and encoding information.
Tuple(Signed transaction ready for broadcasst, bound IntegrationManager.callOnExtension() function
assert isinstance(tx, EnzymeVaultTransaction), f"Got {tx}"
vault = self.vault
deployment = vault.deployment
bound_call = execute_calls_for_generic_adapter(
external_calls=((tx.contract, tx.encode_payload()),),
tx_params = {
"from": self.hot_wallet.address,
"gas": tx.gas_limit,
if gas_params:
tx = bound_call.build_transaction(tx_params)
return self.hot_wallet.sign_transaction_with_new_nonce(tx), bound_call