Source code for eth_defi.foundry.forge

"""Forge smart contracte development toolchain integration.

- Compile and deploy smart contracts using Forge

- Verify smart contracts on Etherscan

- See `Foundry book <>`__ for more information.
import datetime
import logging
import os

from pathlib import Path
from shutil import which
from subprocess import DEVNULL, PIPE
from typing import Tuple

import psutil
from eth_typing import ChecksumAddress, HexAddress, HexStr
from hexbytes import HexBytes
from web3 import Web3
from web3.contract import Contract

from eth_defi.abi import get_deployed_contract
from eth_defi.deploy import register_contract
from eth_defi.hotwallet import HotWallet
from eth_defi.trace import assert_transaction_success_with_explanation

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: Crash unless forge completes in 3 minutes

[docs]class ForgeFailed(Exception): """Forge command failed."""
#: Because of Forge's #: _last_deploy: datetime.datetime | None = None def _exec_cmd( cmd_line: list[str], censored_command: str, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, ) -> Tuple[str, str]: """Execute the command line. :param timeout: Timeout in seconds :return: Tuple(deployed contract address, tx hash) """ for x in cmd_line: assert type(x) == str, f"Got non-string in command line: {x} in {cmd_line}" # out = DEVNULL if sys.platform == "win32" else PIPE out = PIPE # TODO: Are we set on a failure on Windows proc = psutil.Popen(cmd_line, stdin=DEVNULL, stdout=out, stderr=out) result = proc.wait(timeout) output ="utf-8") +"utf-8") if result != 0: raise ForgeFailed(f"forge return code {result} when running: {censored_command}\nOutput is:\n{output}") logger.debug("forge result:\n%s", output) address = tx_hash = None for line in output.split("\n"): # Deployed to: 0x604Da6680Cb97A87403600B9AafBE60eeda97CA4 if line.startswith("Deployed to: "): address = line.split(":")[1].strip() if line.startswith("Transaction hash: "): tx_hash = line.split(":")[1].strip() if not (address and tx_hash): raise ForgeFailed(f"Could not parse forge output:\n{output}") return address, tx_hash
[docs]def deploy_contract_with_forge( web3: Web3, project_folder: Path, contract_file: Path | str, contract_name: str, deployer: HotWallet, constructor_args: list[str] | None = None, etherscan_api_key: str | None = None, register_for_tracing=True, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, wait_for_block_confirmations=0, ) -> Tuple[Contract, HexBytes]: """Deploy and verify smart contract with Forge. - The smart contracts must be developed with Foundry tool chain and its `forge` command - Uses Forge to verify the contract on Etherscan - For normal use :py:func:`deploy_contract` is much easier Example: .. code-block:: python guard, tx_hash = deploy_contract_with_forge( web3, CONTRACTS_ROOT / "guard", # Foundry projec path "GuardV0.sol", # src/GuardV0.sol f"GuardV0", # GuardV0 is the smart contract name deployer, # Local account with a private key we use for the deployment etherscan_api_key=etherscan_api_key, # Etherscan API key we use for the verification )"GuardV0 is %s deployed at %s", guard.address, tx_hash.hex()) # Test the deployed contract assert guard.functions.getInternalVersion().call() == 1 Assumes standard Foundry project layout with foundry.toml, src and out. See - `Foundry book <>`__ for more information - :py:func:`eth_defi.deploy.deploy_contract` for simple, non-verified contract deployments :param web3: Web3 instance :param deployer: Deployer tracked as a hot wallet. We need to be able to manually track the nonce across multiple contract deployments. :param project_folder: Foundry project with `foundry.toml` in the root. :param contract_file: Contract path relative to the project folder. E.g. `TermsOfService.sol`. :param contract_name: The smart contract name within the file. E.g. `TermsOfService`. :param constructor_args: Other arguments to pass to the contract's constructor. Need to be able to stringify these for forge. :param etherscan_api_key: Needed for the source code verification on Etherscan and related services. You need a private API key. E.g. `3F3H8....`. :param register_for_tracing: Make the symbolic contract information available on web3 instance. See :py:func:`get_contract_registry` :param wait_for_block_confirmations: Currently not used. :raise ForgeFailed: In the case we could not deploy the contract. - Running forge failed - Transaction could not be confirmed :return: Contract and deployment tx hash. """ assert isinstance(project_folder, Path) assert type(contract_name) == str assert isinstance(deployer, HotWallet), f"Got deployer: {type(deployer)}" if constructor_args is None: constructor_args = [] if type(contract_file) == str: contract_file = Path(contract_file) assert isinstance(contract_file, Path) assert type(constructor_args) in (list, tuple) json_rpc_url = web3.provider.endpoint_uri forge = which("forge") assert forge is not None, "No forge command in path, needed for the contract deployment" src_contract_file = Path("src") / contract_file cmd_line = [ forge, "create", "--rpc-url", json_rpc_url, "--nonce", str(deployer.allocate_nonce()), ] if etherscan_api_key: # Tuned retry parameters # cmd_line += [ "--etherscan-api-key", etherscan_api_key, "--verify", "--retries", "10", "--delay", "30", ] cmd_line += [f"{src_contract_file}:{contract_name}"] if constructor_args: cmd_line += ["--constructor-args"] for arg in constructor_args: cmd_line.append(arg) censored_command = " ".join(cmd_line) "Deploying a contract with forge. Working directory %s, forge command: %s", project_folder.resolve(), censored_command, ) # Inject private key after logging cmd_line = [ forge, "create", "--private-key", deployer.private_key.hex(), ] + cmd_line[2:] # Py 3.11 only # with contextlib.chdir(project_folder): old_path = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(project_folder) assert (project_folder / "foundry.toml").exists(), f"foundry.toml missing: {project_folder}" assert src_contract_file.suffix == ".sol", f"Not Solidity source file: {contract_file}" assert src_contract_file.exists(), f"Contract does not exist: {src_contract_file}, current working directory is {os.getcwd()}" # Run forge contract_address, tx_hash = _exec_cmd(cmd_line, timeout=timeout, censored_command=censored_command) # Check we produced an ABI file, or was created earlier contract_abi = project_folder / "out" / contract_file / f"{contract_name}.json" assert contract_abi.exists(), f"Forge did not produce ABI file: {contract_abi.absolute()}" finally: os.chdir(old_path) # Mad API contract_address = ChecksumAddress(HexAddress(HexStr(contract_address))) instance = get_deployed_contract(web3, contract_abi, contract_address) if register_for_tracing: = contract_name register_contract(web3, contract_address, instance) tx_hash = HexBytes(tx_hash) assert_transaction_success_with_explanation( web3, tx_hash, RaisedException=ForgeFailed, ) return instance, tx_hash