Source code for eth_defi.one_delta.utils

"""1delta helper functions."""

from eth_typing import HexAddress

from eth_defi.aave_v3.constants import AaveV3InterestRateMode
from eth_defi.one_delta.constants import Exchange, TradeOperation, TradeType
from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.constants import DEFAULT_FEES

[docs]def encode_path( *, path: list[HexAddress], fees: list, operation: TradeOperation, exchanges: list[Exchange], interest_mode: AaveV3InterestRateMode, trade_type: TradeType = TradeType.EXACT_INPUT, ) -> bytes: """Encode the routing path and other info for 1delta flash swap. Note: we don't yet support all 1delta operations to keep this function simple. `Read more <>`__. :param path: List of token addresses how to route the trade :param fees: List of trading fees of the pools in the route :param operation: Trade operation, e.g: open, trim, close :param exchanges: List of exchanges to use for each hop :param interest_mode: Aave v3 interest rate mode to use :param trade_type: Trade type, e.g: exact input, exact output :return: Encoded bytes to be used with 1delta flash aggregator """ assert len(fees) == len(path) - 1 assert len(exchanges) == len(fees) for fee in fees: assert fee in DEFAULT_FEES if trade_type == TradeType.EXACT_OUTPUT: path.reverse() fees.reverse() match operation: case TradeOperation.OPEN: actions = [6] flag = interest_mode case TradeOperation.TRIM: if trade_type == TradeType.EXACT_OUTPUT: actions = [5] else: actions = [8] flag = 3 case TradeOperation.CLOSE: actions = [5] flag = 3 case _: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported operation: {operation}") # pad the action list with trade type actions += [trade_type] * (len(fees) - 1) encoded = b"" for index, token in enumerate(path): encoded += bytes.fromhex(token[2:]) if token != path[-1]: encoded += int.to_bytes(fees[index], 3, "big") if len(exchanges) > index: encoded += int.to_bytes(exchanges[index], 1, "big") if len(actions) > index: encoded += int.to_bytes(actions[index], 1, "big") encoded += int.to_bytes(flag, 1, "big") return encoded
[docs]def encode_quoter_path( *, path: list[HexAddress], fees: list, exchanges: list[Exchange], ) -> bytes: """Encode the routing path and other info for 1delta quoter. `Read more <>`__. :param path: List of token addresses how to route the trade :param fees: List of trading fees of the pools in the route :param exchanges: List of exchanges to use for each hop :return: Encoded bytes to be used with 1delta quoter """ assert len(fees) == len(path) - 1 assert len(exchanges) == len(fees) for fee in fees: assert fee in DEFAULT_FEES encoded = b"" for index, token in enumerate(path): encoded += bytes.fromhex(token[2:]) if token != path[-1]: encoded += int.to_bytes(fees[index], 3, "big") if len(exchanges) > index: encoded += int.to_bytes(exchanges[index], 1, "big") return encoded