Source code for eth_defi.research.candle

"""Create OHLCV candle charts.

Allows analysing of cryptocurrency price data in notebooks.
Create OHLCV charts out from :py:class:`pandas.DataFrame` price data.

from typing import Optional

import pandas as pd

[docs]def convert_to_ohlcv_candles( df: pd.DataFrame, time_frame: pd.Timedelta = pd.Timedelta("1D"), price_column: str = "price", value_column: str = "value", timestamp_index_column: Optional[str] = "timestamp", ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Create OHLCV candles based on raw trade events. Example: .. code-block:: python candles = convert_to_ohlcv_candles(df, time_bucket=pd.Timedelta("4h")) See :ref:`the full example in Uniswap v3 OHLCV notebook </tutorials/uniswap-v3-price-analysis.ipynb>`. :param df: Input data frame. :param time_frame: What's the duration of a single candle. :param price_column: The dataframe column containing the price of a trade. Used to generate `open`, `high`, `low` and `close` columns. :param value_column: The dataframe column containing the price of a trade. Used to generate `volume` column. :param timestamp_index_column: If given then convert this timestamp column to an index. It can contain ISO8601 string timestamp, or be a timestamp column. :return: :py:class:`pd.DataFrame` with `open`, `high`, `low`, `close` and `volume` columns. Index is resampled timestamp. """ # # # # # if timestamp_index_column: df[timestamp_index_column] = pd.to_datetime(df[timestamp_index_column]) df = df.set_index(timestamp_index_column, drop=False) assert price_column in df.columns, f"No price column {price_column}" assert value_column in df.columns, f"No value column {value_column}" candles = df[price_column].resample(time_frame).ohlc() candles["volume"] = df[value_column].resample(time_frame).sum() return candles