Source code for eth_defi.revert_reason

"""Revert reason extraction.

Further reading

- ` Patterns: Revert Reason Lookups <>`_

import logging
import pprint
from typing import Union

from eth_tester.exceptions import TransactionFailed
from hexbytes import HexBytes
from web3 import Web3
from web3.exceptions import ContractLogicError

from eth_defi.abi import get_transaction_data_field

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TransactionReverted(Exception): """Python exception to signal a transaction error with a good revert reason. See :py:func:`eth_defi.middleware.revert_reason_middleware`. """ def get_solidity_reason_message(self) -> str: return self.args[0]
[docs]def fetch_transaction_revert_reason( web3: Web3, tx_hash: Union[HexBytes, str], use_archive_node=False, unknown_error_message="<could not extract the revert reason>", ) -> str: """Gets a transaction revert reason. Ethereum nodes do not store the transaction failure reason in any database or index. There is two ways to get the revert reason - Replay the transaction against the same block, and the same EVM state, where it was mined. An archive node is needed. - Replay the transaction against the current state. No archive node is needed, but the revert reason might be wrong. To make this work - Live node must have had enough archive state for the replay to success (full nodes store only 128 blocks by default) - Ganache must have been started with `block_time >= 1` so that transactions do not revert on transaction broadcast - When sending transsaction using `web3.eth.send_transaction` it must have `gas` set, or the transaction will revert during the gas estimation Example: .. code-block:: python receipts = wait_transactions_to_complete(web3, [tx_hash]) # Check that the transaction reverted assert len(receipts) == 1 receipt = receipts[tx_hash] assert receipt.status == 0 reason = fetch_transaction_revert_reason(web3, tx_hash) assert reason == "VM Exception while processing transaction: revert BEP20: transfer amount exceeds balance" .. note :: `use_archive_node=True` path cannot be tested in unit testing. Different JSON-RPC providers may return payloads and this function needs to handle each provider as a special case. See `` for testing. Currently tested: - Ethereum Tester - Ganache - BNB Chain + geth :param web3: Our JSON-RPC connection :param tx_hash: Transaction hash of which reason we extract by simulation. :param use_archive_node: Look up *exact* reason by running the tx against the past state. This only works if you are connected to the archive node. :param unknown_error_message: Return this message if the revert reason extraction fails. Check the logs for details and pointers. :return: The revert reason of the placeholder message if we could not extract the reason somehow. """ # fetch a reverted transaction: tx = web3.eth.get_transaction(tx_hash) # Normalise type if not isinstance(tx_hash, HexBytes): if type(tx_hash) == str: tx_hash = HexBytes(tx_hash) else: raise AssertionError(f"Unknown type: {tx_hash.__class__} {tx_hash}") # build a new transaction to replay: replay_tx = { "to": tx["to"], "from": tx["from"], "value": tx["value"], "data": get_transaction_data_field(tx), } # Replay the transaction locally try: if use_archive_node: result =, tx.blockNumber - 1) else: result = except ValueError as e: logger.debug("Revert exception result is: %s", e) assert len(e.args) == 1, f"Something fishy going on with {e}" data = e.args[0] if type(data) == str: # BNB Smart chain + geth return data else: # Ganache # {'message': 'VM Exception while processing transaction: revert BEP20: transfer amount exceeds balance', 'stack': 'CallError: VM Exception while processing transaction: revert BEP20: transfer amount exceeds balance\n at Blockchain.simulateTransaction (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/ganache/dist/node/1.js:2:49094)\n at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)', 'code': -32000, 'name': 'CallError', 'data': '0x08c379a00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002642455032303a207472616e7366657220616d6f756e7420657863656564732062616c616e63650000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'} return data["message"] except ContractLogicError as e: # Web3 6.0 return e.args[0] except TransactionFailed as e: # Ethereum Tester return e.args[0] # TODO: # Not sure why this happens. # When checking on bscchain: # This transaction has been included and will be reflected in a short while. receipt = web3.eth.get_transaction_receipt(tx_hash) if receipt["status"] != 0: logger.error("Queried revert reason for a transaction, but receipt tells it did not fail. tx_hash:%s, receipt: %s", tx_hash.hex(), receipt) current_block_number = web3.eth.block_number # TODO: Convert to logger record pretty_result = pprint.pformat(result) logger.error(f"Transaction succeeded, when we tried to fetch its revert reason.\n" f"Hash: {tx_hash.hex()}, tx block num: {tx['blockNumber']}, current block number: {current_block_number}\n" f"Transaction result:\n" f"{pretty_result}\n" f"- Maybe the chain tip is unstable\n" f"- Maybe transaction failed due to slippage\n" f"- Maybe someone is frontrunning you and it does not happen with eth_call replay\n") return unknown_error_message