Source code for eth_defi.uniswap_v2.swap

"""Uniswap v2 swap helper functions."""
import warnings
from typing import Callable, Optional

from eth_typing import HexAddress
from web3.contract import Contract
from web3.contract.contract import ContractFunction

from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.deployment import FOREVER_DEADLINE, UniswapV2Deployment
from eth_defi.uniswap_v2.fees import estimate_buy_price, estimate_sell_price

[docs]def swap_with_slippage_protection( uniswap_v2_deployment: UniswapV2Deployment, *, recipient_address: HexAddress, base_token: Contract, quote_token: Contract, intermediate_token: Optional[Contract] = None, max_slippage: float = 0.1, amount_in: Optional[int] = None, amount_out: Optional[int] = None, fee: int = 30, deadline: int = FOREVER_DEADLINE, ) -> ContractFunction: """Helper function to prepare a swap from quote token to base token (buy base token with quote token) with price estimation and slippage protection baked in. Example: .. code-block:: python # build transaction to swap from USDC to WETH swap_func = swap_with_slippage_protection( uniswap_v2_deployment=uniswap_v2, recipient_address=hot_wallet_address, base_token=weth, quote_token=usdc, amount_in=usdc_amount_to_pay, max_slippage=50, # 50 bps = 0.5% ) tx = swap_func.build_transaction( { "from": hot_wallet_address, "chainId": web3.eth.chain_id, "gas": 350_000, # estimate max 350k gas per swap } ) tx = fill_nonce(web3, tx) gas_fees = estimate_gas_fees(web3) apply_gas(tx, gas_fees) # sign and broadcast signed_tx = hot_wallet.sign_transaction(tx) tx_hash = web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction) tx_receipt = web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash) assert tx_receipt.status == 1 # similarly we can also swap USDC->WETH->DAI swap_func = swap_with_slippage_protection( uniswap_v2_deployment=uniswap_v2, recipient_address=hot_wallet_address, base_token=dai, quote_token=usdc, intermediate_token=weth, amount_out=dai_amount_expected, max_slippage=100, # 100 bps = 1% ) tx = swap_func.build_transaction( { "from": hot_wallet_address, "chainId": web3.eth.chain_id, "gas": 350_000, # estimate max 350k gas per swap } ) tx = fill_nonce(web3, tx) gas_fees = estimate_gas_fees(web3) apply_gas(tx, gas_fees) signed_tx = hot_wallet.sign_transaction(tx) tx_hash = web3.eth.send_raw_transaction(signed_tx.rawTransaction) tx_receipt = web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash) assert tx_receipt.status == 1 :param uniswap_v2_deployment: Uniswap v2 deployment :param base_token: Base token of the trading pair :param quote_token: Quote token of the trading pair :param intermediate_token: Intermediate token which the swap can go through :param recipient_address: Recipient's address :param amount_in: How much of the quote token we want to pay, this has to be `None` if `amount_out` is specified. Must be in raw quote token units. :param amount_out: How much of the base token we want to receive, this has to be `None` if `amount_in` is specified Must be in raw base token units. :param max_slippage: Max slippage express in bps, default = 0.1 bps (0.001%) :param fee: Trading fee express in bps, default = 30 bps (0.3%) :param deadline: Time limit of the swap transaction, by default = forever (no deadline) :return: Bound ContractFunction that can be used to build a transaction """ assert fee > 0, "fee must be non-zero" if amount_in: assert type(amount_in) == int if amount_out: assert type(amount_out) == int assert max_slippage >= 0 if max_slippage == 0: warnings.warn("The `max_slippage` is set to 0, this can potentially lead to reverted transaction. It's recommended to set use default max_slippage instead (0.1 bps) to ensure successful transaction") router = uniswap_v2_deployment.router path = [quote_token.address, base_token.address] if intermediate_token: path = [quote_token.address, intermediate_token.address, base_token.address] if amount_in: assert amount_out is None, "amount_in is specified, amount_out has to be None" estimated_min_amount_out: int = estimate_sell_price( uniswap=uniswap_v2_deployment, base_token=quote_token, quote_token=base_token, quantity=amount_in, slippage=max_slippage, fee=fee, intermediate_token=intermediate_token, ) return router.functions.swapExactTokensForTokens( amount_in, estimated_min_amount_out, path, recipient_address, deadline, ) elif amount_out: assert amount_in is None, "amount_out is specified, amount_in has to be None" estimated_max_amount_in: int = estimate_buy_price( uniswap=uniswap_v2_deployment, base_token=base_token, quote_token=quote_token, quantity=amount_out, slippage=max_slippage, fee=fee, intermediate_token=intermediate_token, ) return router.functions.swapTokensForExactTokens( amount_out, estimated_max_amount_in, path, recipient_address, deadline, )