Source code for eth_defi.uniswap_v3.deployment

"""Uniswap v3 and compatible DEX deployments.

Compatible exchanges include Uniswap v3 deployments on:

- Ethereum mainnet

- Avalanche

- Polygon

- Optimism

- Arbitrum


from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional

from eth_typing import HexAddress
from web3 import Web3
from web3.contract import Contract

from eth_defi.abi import get_abi_by_filename, get_contract, get_deployed_contract
from eth_defi.deploy import deploy_contract
from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.constants import (
from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.pool import fetch_pool_details
from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.utils import encode_sqrt_ratio_x96, get_nearest_usable_tick

[docs]@dataclass(frozen=True) class UniswapV3Deployment: """Describe Uniswap v3 deployment.""" #: The Web3 instance for which all the contracts here are bound web3: Web3 #: Factory address. #: `See the Solidity source code <>`__. factory: Contract #: WETH9Mock address. #: `See the Solidity source code <>`__. weth: Contract #: Swap router address. #: `See the Solidity source code <>`__. swap_router: Contract #: Non-fungible position manager address. #: `See the Solidity source code <>`__. position_manager: Contract quoter: Contract # Pool contract proxy class. #: `See the Solidity source code <>`__. PoolContract: Contract
[docs]def deploy_uniswap_v3_factory(web3: Web3, deployer: HexAddress) -> Contract: """Deploy a Uniswap v3 factory contract. :param web3: Web3 instance :param deployer: Deployer adresss :return: Factory contract instance """ UniswapV3Factory = get_contract( web3, "uniswap_v3/UniswapV3Factory.json", bytecode=UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_BYTECODE, ) # tx_hash = web3.eth.send_transaction({"from": deployer, "data": UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_DEPLOYMENT_DATA}) tx_receipt = web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash) instance = UniswapV3Factory(address=tx_receipt["contractAddress"]) return instance
[docs]def deploy_uniswap_v3( web3: Web3, deployer: HexAddress, weth: Contract | None = None, give_weth: int | None = 10_000, ) -> UniswapV3Deployment: """Deploy v3 Example: .. code-block:: python deployment = deploy_uniswap_v3(web3, deployer) factory = deployment.factory print(f"Uniswap factory is {factory.address}") swap_router = deployment.swap_router print(f"Uniswap swap router is {swap_router.address}") :param web3: Web3 instance :param deployer: Deployer account :param weth: WETH contract instance :param give_weth: Automatically give some Wrapped ETH to the deployer. Express as ETH units. :return: Deployment details """ # Factory takes feeSetter as an argument factory = deploy_uniswap_v3_factory(web3, deployer) if weth is None: weth = deploy_contract(web3, "sushi/WETH9Mock.json", deployer) swap_router = deploy_contract( web3, "uniswap_v3/SwapRouter.json", deployer, factory.address, weth.address, ) nft_position_descriptor = _deploy_nft_position_descriptor(web3, deployer, weth) position_manager = deploy_contract( web3, "uniswap_v3/NonfungiblePositionManager.json", deployer, factory.address, weth.address, nft_position_descriptor.address, ) quoter = deploy_contract( web3, "uniswap_v3/Quoter.json", deployer, factory.address, weth.address, ) if give_weth: weth.functions.deposit().transact({"from": deployer, "value": give_weth * 10**18}) PoolContract = get_contract(web3, "uniswap_v3/UniswapV3Pool.json") return UniswapV3Deployment( web3=web3, factory=factory, weth=weth, swap_router=swap_router, position_manager=position_manager, quoter=quoter, PoolContract=PoolContract, )
[docs]def deploy_pool( web3: Web3, deployer: HexAddress, *, deployment: UniswapV3Deployment, token0: Contract, token1: Contract, fee: int, ) -> Contract: """Deploy a new pool on Uniswap v3. `See UniswapV3Factory.createPool() for details <>`_. :param web3: Web3 instance :param deployer: Deployer account :param deployment: Uniswap v3 deployment :param token0: Base token of the pool :param token1: Quote token of the pool :param fee: Fee of the pool :return: Pool contract proxy """ assert token0.address != token1.address assert fee in DEFAULT_FEES, f"Default Uniswap v3 factory only allows {len(DEFAULT_FEES)} fee levels: {', '.join(map(str, DEFAULT_FEES))}" factory = deployment.factory tx_hash = factory.functions.createPool(token0.address, token1.address, fee).transact({"from": deployer}) tx_receipt = web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash) # # AttributeDict({'args': AttributeDict({'token0': '0x2946259E0334f33A064106302415aD3391BeD384', 'token1': '0xB9816fC57977D5A786E654c7CF76767be63b966e', 'fee': 3000, 'tickSpacing': 60, 'pool': '0x2a28188cEa899849B9dd497C1E04BC2f62E54B97'}), 'event': 'PoolCreated', 'logIndex': 0, 'transactionIndex': 0, 'transactionHash': HexBytes('0xb4e137f58ba6f22ecfce572e9ca50e7e174fb5c02243b956883c4da08c3cbef9'), 'address': '0xF2E246BB76DF876Cef8b38ae84130F4F55De395b', 'blockHash': HexBytes('0x7d3eb4fceaf4df22df7644a1df2af1d00863476bcd8fc76ade7c4efe7d78c8e5'), 'blockNumber': 6}) logs = event0 = logs[0] pool_address = event0["args"]["pool"] pool = deployment.PoolContract(address=pool_address) return pool
[docs]def add_liquidity( web3: Web3, deployer: HexAddress, *, deployment: UniswapV3Deployment, pool: Contract, amount0: int, amount1: int, lower_tick: int, upper_tick: int, ) -> tuple[dict, int, int]: """Add liquidity to a pool. `See Uniswap V3 documentation for details <>`_. :param web3: Web3 instance :param deployer: Deployer account :param deployment: Uniswap v3 deployment :param pool: Pool contract proxy :param amount0: Amount of `token0` to be added :param amount1: Amount of `token1` to be added :param lower_tick: Lower tick of the position :param upper_tick: Upper tick of the position :return: - tx_receipt: Transaction receipt of the mint transaction - lower_tick: Corrected lower tick of the position with correct tick spacing - upper_tick: Corrected upper tick of the position with correct tick spacing """ token0_address = pool.functions.token0().call() token1_address = pool.functions.token1().call() token0 = get_deployed_contract(web3, "ERC20MockDecimals.json", token0_address) token1 = get_deployed_contract(web3, "ERC20MockDecimals.json", token1_address) assert token0.functions.balanceOf(deployer).call() > amount0 assert token1.functions.balanceOf(deployer).call() > amount1 # since provided lower and upper tick might not be correct (due to tick spacing), we fee = pool.functions.fee().call() lower_tick = get_nearest_usable_tick(lower_tick, fee) upper_tick = get_nearest_usable_tick(upper_tick, fee) assert lower_tick < upper_tick, "Upper tick is too close to lower tick" # pool is locked until initialize with initial sqrtPriceX96 # *_, initialized = pool.functions.slot0().call() if initialized is False: sqrt_price_x96 = encode_sqrt_ratio_x96(amount0=amount0, amount1=amount1) pool.functions.initialize(sqrt_price_x96).transact({"from": deployer}) position_manager = deployment.position_manager token0.functions.approve(position_manager.address, amount0).transact({"from": deployer}) token1.functions.approve(position_manager.address, amount1).transact({"from": deployer}) # mint a new position tx_hash = ( token0.address, token1.address, fee, lower_tick, upper_tick, amount0, amount1, 0, # min amount0 desired, this is used as safety check 0, # min amount1 desired, this is used as safety check deployer, FOREVER_DEADLINE, ) ).transact({"from": deployer}) tx_receipt = web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash) return tx_receipt, lower_tick, upper_tick
[docs]def increase_liquidity( web3: Web3, position_owner: HexAddress, position_id: int, deployment: UniswapV3Deployment, amount0: int, amount1: int, amount0_min: int = 0, amount1_min: int = 0, ) -> dict: """ Increase liquidity in an existing Uniswap V3 position. `See Uniswap V3 documentation for details <>`_. :param web3: Web3 instance :param position_owner: The address of the position_owner. :param position_id: The id of the position to be increased, should be a positive integer. :param deployment: Uniswap v3 deployment :param amount0: Amount of `token0` to be added :param amount1: Amount of `token1` to be added :param amount0_min: min amount0 desired, this is used as slippage check :param amount1_min: min amount1 desired, this is used as slippage check :return: tx_receipt: Transaction receipt of the increaseLiquidity transaction """ # get the pool from the position manager and factory position_manager = deployment.position_manager # returns: [nonce, operator, token0, token1, fee, tickLower, tickUpper, # liquidity, feeGrowthInside0, feeGrowthInside1, tokensOwed0, tokensOwed1] position_details = position_manager.functions.positions(position_id).call() # get pool contract address # get the pool address from token0_address, token1_address, and fee pool_address = deployment.factory.functions.getPool(position_details[2], position_details[3], position_details[4]).call() # make sure the returned address is not 0x0 (that means it does not exist) assert "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000" != pool_address pool_details = fetch_pool_details(web3, pool_address) # make sure there is sufficient balance to cover the increase. assert pool_details.token0.contract.functions.balanceOf(position_owner).call() > amount0 assert pool_details.token1.contract.functions.balanceOf(position_owner).call() > amount1 pool_details.token0.contract.functions.approve(position_manager.address, amount0).transact({"from": position_owner}) pool_details.token1.contract.functions.approve(position_manager.address, amount1).transact({"from": position_owner}) tx_hash = position_manager.functions.increaseLiquidity( ( position_id, amount0, amount1, amount0_min, amount1_min, FOREVER_DEADLINE, ) ).transact({"from": position_owner}) tx_receipt = web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash) return tx_receipt
[docs]def decrease_liquidity( web3: Web3, position_owner: HexAddress, position_id: int, deployment: UniswapV3Deployment, liquidity_decrease_amount: int, amount0_min: int = 0, amount1_min: int = 0, ) -> dict: """ Decrease liquidity in an existing Uniswap V3 position. `See Uniswap V3 documentation for details <>`_. :param web3: Web3 instance :param position_owner: The address of the position_owner. :param position_id: The id of the position to be decreased, should be a positive integer. :param deployment: Uniswap v3 deployment :param liquidity_decrease_amount: The amount of liquidity we want to reduce our position by. :param amount0_min: Optional min amount0 desired, this is used as slippage check. Default is 0. :param amount1_min: Optional min amount1 desired, this is used as slippage check. Default is 0. :return: tx_receipt: Transaction receipt of the decreaseLiquidity transaction """ # check to make sure we have sufficient liquidity to meet decrease amount *_, liquidity, _, _, _, _ = deployment.position_manager.functions.positions(position_id).call() assert liquidity >= liquidity_decrease_amount tx_hash = deployment.position_manager.functions.decreaseLiquidity( ( position_id, liquidity_decrease_amount, amount0_min, amount1_min, FOREVER_DEADLINE, ) ).transact({"from": position_owner}) tx_receipt = web3.eth.wait_for_transaction_receipt(tx_hash) return tx_receipt
def _deploy_nft_position_descriptor(web3: Web3, deployer: HexAddress, weth: Contract): """Deploy NFT position descriptor. `See the solidity source code <>`__. Currently this is a separate function since we need to link references in bytecode in ad-hoc manner. """ # linkReferences can be found in compiled `abi/uniswap_v3/NonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptor.json` nft_descriptor = deploy_contract(web3, "uniswap_v3/NFTDescriptor.json", deployer) contract_interface = get_abi_by_filename("uniswap_v3/NonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptor.json") abi = contract_interface["abi"] bytecode = contract_interface["bytecode"].replace("__$cea9be979eee3d87fb124d6cbb244bb0b5$__", nft_descriptor.address[2:]) NonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptor = web3.eth.contract(abi=abi, bytecode=bytecode) return deploy_contract( web3, NonfungibleTokenPositionDescriptor, deployer, weth.address, )
[docs]def fetch_deployment( web3: Web3, factory_address: HexAddress | str, router_address: HexAddress | str, position_manager_address: HexAddress | str, quoter_address: HexAddress | str, ) -> UniswapV3Deployment: """Construct Uniswap v3 deployment based on on-chain data. :param allow_different_weth_var: We assume Uniswap v3 ABI that has router.WETH() accessor. Some other DEXes might not have it. If set (default) ignore this error and just have `None` as the value for the wrapped token. :return: Data class representing Uniswap v3 exchange deployment """ factory = get_deployed_contract(web3, "uniswap_v3/UniswapV3Factory.json", factory_address) router = get_deployed_contract(web3, "uniswap_v3/SwapRouter.json", router_address) position_manager = get_deployed_contract(web3, "uniswap_v3/NonfungiblePositionManager.json", position_manager_address) quoter = get_deployed_contract(web3, "uniswap_v3/Quoter.json", quoter_address) PoolContract = get_contract(web3, "uniswap_v3/UniswapV3Pool.json") # weth_address = router.functions.WETH9().call() weth = get_deployed_contract(web3, "sushi/WETH9Mock.json", weth_address) return UniswapV3Deployment( web3=web3, factory=factory, weth=weth, swap_router=router, position_manager=position_manager, quoter=quoter, PoolContract=PoolContract, )
[docs]def mock_partial_deployment_for_analysis(web3: Web3, router_address: str): """Only need swap_router and PoolContract?""" factory = None swap_router = get_deployed_contract(web3, "uniswap_v3/SwapRouter.json", router_address) weth = None position_manager = None quoter = None PoolContract = get_contract(web3, "uniswap_v3/UniswapV3Pool.json") return UniswapV3Deployment( web3, factory, weth, swap_router, position_manager, quoter, PoolContract, )