Source code for

"""Uniswap v3 event reader.

Efficiently read Uniswap v3 from a blockchain.

Currently we are tracking these events:

- PoolCreated

- Swap

- Mint

- Burn
import logging
import csv
import datetime
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

from eth_defi.event_reader.filter import Filter
from eth_defi.event_reader.lazy_timestamp_reader import extract_timestamps_json_rpc_lazy, TrackedLazyTimestampReader
from eth_defi.event_reader.multithread import MultithreadEventReader
from eth_defi.provider.multi_provider import create_multi_provider_web3, MultiProviderWeb3

from import tqdm
from web3 import Web3

from eth_defi.abi import get_contract
from eth_defi.event_reader.conversion import (
from eth_defi.event_reader.logresult import LogContext
from eth_defi.event_reader.reader import LogResult
from eth_defi.event_reader.state import ScanState
from eth_defi.token import TokenDetails, fetch_erc20_details
from eth_defi.uniswap_v3.constants import UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_CREATED_AT_BLOCK

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TokenCache(LogContext): """Manage cache of token data when doing PoolCreated look-up. Do not do extra requests for already known tokens. """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.cache = {} warnings.warn("Deprecated. eth_defi.token.fetch_erc_20_details has now its internal cache", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
def get_token_info(self, web3: Web3, address: str) -> TokenDetails: if address not in self.cache: self.cache[address] = fetch_erc20_details(web3, address, raise_on_error=False) return self.cache[address]
def _decode_base(log: LogResult) -> dict: block_time = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(log["timestamp"]) return { "block_number": convert_jsonrpc_value_to_int(log["blockNumber"]), "timestamp": datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(log["timestamp"]), "tx_hash": log["transactionHash"], "log_index": convert_jsonrpc_value_to_int(log["logIndex"]), }
[docs]def decode_pool_created(web3: Web3, log: LogResult) -> dict: """Process a pool created event. The event signature is: .. code-block:: event PoolCreated( address indexed token0, address indexed token1, uint24 indexed fee, int24 tickSpacing, address pool ); """ # Do additional lookup for the token data result = _decode_base(log) # Any indexed Solidity event parameter will be in topics data. # The first topics (0) is always the event signature. event_signature, token0, token1, fee = log["topics"] token0_address = convert_uint256_string_to_address(token0) token1_address = convert_uint256_string_to_address(token1) # Now enhanche data with the ERC-20 token information. # Don't care about broken tokens. token0 = fetch_erc20_details(web3, token0_address, raise_on_error=False) token1 = fetch_erc20_details(web3, token1_address, raise_on_error=False) # Any non-indexed Solidity event parameter will be in the data section. # Chop data blob to byte32 entries tick_spacing, pool_contract_address = decode_data(log["data"]) result.update( { "factory_contract_address": log["address"], "pool_contract_address": convert_uint256_bytes_to_address(pool_contract_address), "fee": convert_uint256_string_to_int(fee), "token0_symbol": token0.symbol, "token0_address": token0_address, "token1_symbol": token1.symbol, "token1_address": token1_address, } ) return result
[docs]def decode_swap(web3: Web3, log: LogResult) -> dict: """Process swap event. The event signature is: .. code-block:: event Swap( address indexed sender, address indexed recipient, int256 amount0, int256 amount1, uint160 sqrtPriceX96, uint128 liquidity, int24 tick ); """ result = _decode_base(log) amount0, amount1, sqrt_price_x96, liquidity, tick = decode_data(log["data"]) result.update( { "pool_contract_address": log["address"], "amount0": convert_int256_bytes_to_int(amount0, signed=True), "amount1": convert_int256_bytes_to_int(amount1, signed=True), "sqrt_price_x96": convert_int256_bytes_to_int(sqrt_price_x96), "liquidity": convert_int256_bytes_to_int(liquidity), "tick": convert_int256_bytes_to_int(tick, signed=True), } ) return result
[docs]def decode_mint(web3: Web3, log: LogResult) -> dict: """Process mint event. The event signature is: .. code-block:: event Mint( address sender, address indexed owner, int24 indexed tickLower, int24 indexed tickUpper, uint128 amount, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1 ); """ result = _decode_base(log) event_signature, owner, tick_lower, tick_upper = log["topics"] sender, amount, amount0, amount1 = decode_data(log["data"]) result.update( { "pool_contract_address": log["address"], "tick_lower": convert_uint256_string_to_int(tick_lower, signed=True), "tick_upper": convert_uint256_string_to_int(tick_upper, signed=True), "amount": convert_int256_bytes_to_int(amount), "amount0": convert_int256_bytes_to_int(amount0), "amount1": convert_int256_bytes_to_int(amount1), } ) return result
[docs]def decode_burn(web3: Web3, log: LogResult) -> dict: """Process burn event. The event signature is: .. code-block:: event Burn( address indexed owner, int24 indexed tickLower, int24 indexed tickUpper, uint128 amount, uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1 ); """ result = _decode_base(log) event_signature, owner, tick_lower, tick_upper = log["topics"] amount, amount0, amount1 = decode_data(log["data"]) result.update( { "pool_contract_address": log["address"], "tick_lower": convert_uint256_string_to_int(tick_lower, signed=True), "tick_upper": convert_uint256_string_to_int(tick_upper, signed=True), "amount": convert_int256_bytes_to_int(amount), "amount0": convert_int256_bytes_to_int(amount0), "amount1": convert_int256_bytes_to_int(amount1), } ) return result
[docs]def get_event_mapping(web3: Web3) -> dict: """Returns tracked event types and mapping. Currently we are tracking these events: - PoolCreated - Swap - Mint - Burn """ Factory = get_contract(web3, "uniswap_v3/UniswapV3Factory.json") Pool = get_contract(web3, "uniswap_v3/UniswapV3Pool.json") return { "PoolCreated": { "contract_event":, "field_names": [ "block_number", "timestamp", "tx_hash", "log_index", "factory_contract_address", "pool_contract_address", "fee", "token0_address", "token0_symbol", "token1_address", "token1_symbol", ], "decode_function": decode_pool_created, }, "Swap": { "contract_event":, "field_names": [ "block_number", "timestamp", "tx_hash", "log_index", "pool_contract_address", "amount0", "amount1", "sqrt_price_x96", "liquidity", "tick", ], "decode_function": decode_swap, }, "Mint": { "contract_event":, "field_names": [ "block_number", "timestamp", "tx_hash", "log_index", "pool_contract_address", "tick_lower", "tick_upper", "amount", "amount0", "amount1", ], "decode_function": decode_mint, }, "Burn": { "contract_event":, "field_names": [ "block_number", "timestamp", "tx_hash", "log_index", "pool_contract_address", "tick_lower", "tick_upper", "amount", "amount0", "amount1", ], "decode_function": decode_burn, }, }
[docs]def fetch_events_to_csv( json_rpc_url: str, state: ScanState, start_block: int = UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_CREATED_AT_BLOCK, end_block: int = UNISWAP_V3_FACTORY_CREATED_AT_BLOCK + 1000, output_folder: str = "/tmp", max_workers: int = 16, log_info=print, max_blocks_once=2000, max_threads=10, ) -> MultiProviderWeb3: """Fetch all tracked Uniswap v3 events to CSV files for notebook analysis. Creates couple of CSV files with the event data: - `/tmp/uniswap-v3-swap.csv` - `/tmp/uniswap-v3-poolcreated.csv` - `/tmp/uniswap-v3-mint.csv` - `/tmp/uniswap-v3-burn.csv` A progress bar and estimation on the completion is rendered for console / Jupyter notebook using `tqdm`. The scan be resumed using `state` storage to retrieve the last scanned block number from the previous round. However, the mechanism here is no perfect and only good for notebook use - for advanced persistent usage like database backed scans, please write your own scan loop using proper transaction management. .. note :: Any Ethereum address is lowercased in the resulting dataset and is not checksummed. :param json_rpc_url: JSON-RPC URL :param start_block: First block to process (inclusive), default is block 12369621 (when Uniswap v3 factory was created on mainnet) :param end_block: Last block to process (inclusive), default is block 12370621 (1000 block after default start block) :param state: Store the current scan state, so we can resume :param output_folder: Folder to contain output CSV files, default is /tmp folder :param max_workers: How many threads to allocate for JSON-RPC IO. You can increase your EVM node output a bit by making a lot of parallel requests, until you exhaust your nodes IO capacity. Experiement with different values and see how your node performs. :param max_blocks_once: How many blocks your JSON-RPC provider allows for eth_getLogs call :param log_info: Which function to use to output info messages about the progress :return: Our web3 instance we constructed for reading events """ web3 = create_multi_provider_web3(json_rpc_url) event_mapping = get_event_mapping(web3) contract_events = [event_data["contract_event"] for event_data in event_mapping.values()] # Create a filter for any Uniswap v3 pool contract, all our events we are interested in filter = Filter.create_filter(address=None, event_types=contract_events) # Start scanning restored, restored_start_block = state.restore_state(start_block) original_block_range = end_block - start_block if restored: log_info(f"Restored previous scan state, data until block {restored_start_block:,}, we are skipping {restored_start_block - start_block:,} blocks out of {original_block_range:,} total") else: log_info( f"No previous scan done, starting fresh from block {start_block:,}, total {original_block_range:,} blocks", ) # Prepare local buffers and files. # Buffers is a context dictionary that is passed around # by the event scanner. buffers = {} for event_name, mapping in event_mapping.items(): # Each event type gets its own CSV file_path = f"{output_folder}/uniswap-v3-{event_name.lower()}.csv" exists_already = Path(file_path).exists() file_handler = open(file_path, "a", encoding="utf-8") csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(file_handler, fieldnames=mapping["field_names"]) if not restored: headers = ", ".join(mapping["field_names"]) log_info(f"Creating a new CSV file: {file_path}, with headers: {headers}") csv_writer.writeheader() # For each event, we have its own # counters and handlers in the context dictionary buffers[event_name] = { "buffer": [], "total": 0, "file_handler": file_handler, "csv_writer": csv_writer, "file_path": file_path, } log_info(f"Saving Uniswap v3 data for block range {restored_start_block:,} - {end_block:,}") timestamp_reader = TrackedLazyTimestampReader() # Wrap everything in a TQDM progress bar, notebook friendly version with tqdm(total=end_block - restored_start_block) as progress_bar: def update_progress( current_block, start_block, end_block, chunk_size: int, total_events: int, last_timestamp: int, context: LogContext, ): # Update progress bar nonlocal buffers header_count = timestamp_reader.get_count() if last_timestamp: # Display progress with the date information d = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(last_timestamp) formatted_time = d.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") progress_bar.set_description(f"Block: {current_block:,}, events: {total_events:,}, time:{formatted_time}, block headers: {header_count:,}") else: progress_bar.set_description(f"Block: {current_block:,}, events: {total_events:,}, block headers: {header_count:,}") progress_bar.update(chunk_size) # Update event specific contexes for buffer_data in buffers.values(): buffer = buffer_data["buffer"] # write events to csv for entry in buffer: buffer_data["csv_writer"].writerow(entry) buffer_data["total"] += 1 # then reset buffer buffer_data["buffer"] = [] # Sync the state of updated events state.save_state(current_block) # Create a multi-threaded Solidity event reader # that has a callback to our progress bar notifier reader = MultithreadEventReader( json_rpc_url, notify=update_progress, max_blocks_once=max_blocks_once, max_threads=max_threads, ) # Stream events from the multi-threaded reader for log_result in reader( web3, restored_start_block, end_block, filter=filter, extract_timestamps=timestamp_reader.extract_timestamps_json_rpc_lazy, ): try: event_name = log_result["event"].event_name # Which event this is: Swap, Burn,... buffer = buffers[event_name]["buffer"] # Choose CSV buffer for this event decode_function = event_mapping[event_name]["decode_function"] # Each event needs its own decoder buffer.append(decode_function(web3, log_result)) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError(f"Could not decode {log_result}") from e # close files and print stats for event_name, buffer in buffers.items(): buffer["file_handler"].close() log_info(f"Wrote {buffer['total']} {event_name} events to {buffer['file_path']}") return web3