
Documentation for eth_defi.lagoon.deployment Python module.

Deploy new Lagoon vaults.

Lagoon automatised vault consists of

  • Safe multisig - we use 1.4.1 here

  • Vault module

  • Lagoon protocol smart contracts

  • TradingStrategyModuleV0 module enabling guarded automated trade executor for the Safe

  • Support deployments with Forge and Etherscan verification

Any Safe must be deployed as 1-of-1 deployer address multisig and multisig holders changed after the deployment.


deploy_automated_lagoon_vault(web3, ...[, ...])

Deploy a full Lagoon setup with a guard.

deploy_lagoon(web3, deployer, safe, ...[, ...])

Deploy a new Lagoon vault.

deploy_safe_trading_strategy_module(web3, ...)

Deploy TradingStrategyModuleV0 for Safe and Lagoon.

setup_guard(web3, safe, deployer, owner, ...)



Capture information of the lagoon automated deployment.


Capture core parameters needed to deploy a Lagoon vault