MEV protection and multiple JSON-RPCs configuration

Web-Ethereum-Defi package supports creating eth_defi.provider.multi_provider.MultiProviderWeb3 subclass instances of web3.Web3 core connector.

These instances support advanced configuration over multiple JSON-RPC providers:

  • The method is compatible with Ethereum, but also with other EVM compatible blockchains like Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche C-Chain and layer twos like Base and Arbitrum.

  • Gracefully deal and retry JSON-RPC errors, even on a single RPC provider. If multiple providers are provided, then recover if the provider goes down for a longer period of time. This is especially important if you use an RPC multiplexing service like drpc where you get a high failure rate of random requests.

  • Automatic fallback to another JSON-RPC provider when one fails, also known as “hot spare” or “hot switch” strategy in DevOps.

  • You can use Malicious Extractable Value (MEV) protection with a special endpoints when broadcasting a transaction to avoid being frontrun, sandwich attacked and such. This includes sending your transaction directly to a L2 sequencer e.g. on Base, Arbitrum or using a specific MEV blocker RPC.

More information:


The multi RPC endpoints can be created with eth_defi.provider.multi_provider.create_multi_provider_web3().

Instead of giving a single RPC endpoint URL, you give a list URLs.

  • List can be newline separated or space separated

  • For MEV protection endpoint, you prefix your URL with mev+ - this endpoint is always used for eth_sendTransaction and eth_sendRawTransction JSON-RPC endpoints


   from eth_defi.provider.multi_provider import MultiProviderWeb3
   from eth_defi.provider.multi_provider import create_multi_provider_web3

   # Uses to broadcast transactions
   # and two separate nodes for reading blockchain data
   config = "mev+"
   web3: MultiProviderWeb3 = create_multi_provider_web3(config)

   # If one provider fails, MultiProviderWeb3 will switch to the next one
   print(f"Currently active call endpoint for JSON-RPC is {web3.get_active_call_provider()}")

You can also have it new-line separated for readability:
config = """

For L2 like Base you can do:

config = “””

mev+ “””

If you want to keep using a single RPC endpoint, you do not need to do any changes:

# Pasing a single RPC endpoint URL is ok
web3 = create_multi_provider_web3("")

Because JSON-RPC provider URLs contains API keys the preferred way to pass them around is using environment variables.

In your UNIX shell:

# Passing single provider: This URL may contain API key

# Passing multiple providers: These URLs may contain API key

And then:

import os
from eth_defi.provider.multi_provider import create_multi_provider_web3

web3 = create_multi_provider_web3(os.environ["JSON_RPC_POLYGON"])

Typical retryable errors

A typical recoverable RPC error looks like:

Encountered JSON-RPC retryable error HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=10)
 When calling method: eth_getLogs({'topics': [['0x783cca1c0412dd0d695e784568c96da2e9c22ff989357a2e8b1d9b2b4e6b7118', '0xc42079f94a6350d7e6235f29174924f928cc2ac818eb64fed8004e115fbcca67', '0x7a53080ba414158be7ec69b987b5fb7d07dee101fe85488f0853ae16239d0bde', '0x0c396cd989a39f4459b5fa1aed6a9a8dcdbc45908acfd67e028cd568da98982c']], 'fromBlock': '0xbd5345', 'toBlock': '0xbd5b14'},)
Retrying in 5.000000 seconds, retry #1 / 6

Another example, no idea what this error is:

Encountered JSON-RPC retryable error {'message': 'IllegalStateException: No executor delegate for eth_getBlockByHash', 'code': -32005}
When calling method: eth_getBlockByHash('0x4b16e6e01697e7917639a5216495db14160bf7d0ee75ccc5c8cbb623feace9cf', False)